
Right, because I’m guessing that Upstate NY, like much of Wisconsin, sees plowing streets as a thing that has to be done- I remember when I first got to WI, knowing that we’d get a foot of snow overnight, waking up and expecting to not have to go to work, and being extremely disappointed to find that they’d already

You don’t need winter tires if you aren’t an idiot. If you are smart, wait for the plows, wait for the salt/sand trucks, it doesn’t matter what kind of tires you have- you’ll be fine. But it means being patient and being honest with yourself, being willing to say “I have no reason to be out in this mess AND I’m not a

This is a phenomenon that happens the first time you buy a car with AWD- it’s like, you spend much of the year getting consistently crappier gas mileage than your previous 2wd car and you paid a premium for AWD, so the second it snows, you wanna be out there saying “AHA, THIS justifies my purchase of AWD/4WD- I am out

Any of them.

OK, hear me out- we need more stupid cars like this. Because c’mon, this thing is crazy stupid. It’s not got any roof, it’s barely got doors... but at the same time, it looks FUN. And I can tell you, any vehicle with no roof and no windscreen is going to be fun to drive (at least until it is no longer fun and has

I am of the opinion that SpaceX has prospered because they found a way to keep Musk away from the daily operations. Tesla suffered under their EdGeLoRd CEO so that SpaceX could flourish- SpaceX knew that if they were beholden to Musk’s whims, all their sweet and lucrative government contracts would dry up and blow

And I know that some Tesla bro will come to mansplain why I’m wrong about this, but Tesla’s products have gone from cool and new to dated and weird. Meanwhile, Tesla’s superchargers may be everywhere, but they’re no longer the fastest and once regulations kick in and demand a single, standardized charging

It’s like watching Hummer implode all over again.

Worst car is like worst movie, so the absolute shitboxes don’t count- the $300 beetle that was my first car, the Chevy Monza that replaced it... c’mon, these are the “plan 9 from outer space of cars”- no one would expect greatness.

So that leaves me with the Isuzu Amigo. The Amigo was... complicated. On the one hand,

But, working class folks also deserve something they can afford. Like, what would happen if Ford made a Maverick with a more normal size bed? sure it would look a little weird, but it would be cheap, comfortable, get great gas mileage AND have all those awesome electrical sockets in the (easy to reach) bed.

Is the

Where the forester really shines (and I say this as the owner of an outback), is the 100% normal roof rails onto which you can put your decades old Yakima or Thule crossbar rack and accessories, which is great when you’ve got canoes and kayaks and paddleboards. Additionally, while I LOVE my outback, having a little

To be fair to toyota reliability, a friend just bought a Tacoma for his son as a first car- it has over 300k miles on it and it took them about a week to freshen up and make into a good first car. Not many vehicles you could buy with that many miles that still run well.

The F-150. in a perfect world, it would be the best selling truck in the country, a small category of vehicles populated by vehicles that are used for work.

I mean on paper, sure I guess. In the same way that SBF was worth 8 billion dollars until suddenly he wasn’t...

For most of it’s exstence, Tesla has gotten by by being the leader of a market that most auto manufacturers let them have, because it wasn’t worth it to them- they love it when someone else can be that

Tesla’s vehicle designs are aging and honestly, weren’t that great to begin with. They were good, in that they were perfectly acceptable car shapes when everyone else was making electric cars that looked... weird (I’m looking at you BMW i3). And they have a good charging network. But... Tesla superchargers aren’t the

What I liked best about this scene was that Luthen fucks up, gets caught and gets away. He does not express any joy in this. There are no triumphant shouts as he shreds the tie fighters or the tractor beam. Just a grim look of self recrimination for getting caught in the first place.

If your faith is on such shaky ground that someone cheerfully saying “happy Holidays!” to you throws you into fits because they aren’t specifically honoring your particular holiday, maybe you don’t actually have any faith?

OK, that’s cool. And the improved all electric range would be absolutely perfect for the kind of driving I do- I’m either driving 450 miles or I’m running errands at home.

It’s a good and well intentioned start, but it doesn’t change the underlying problem- we don’t consider the parent who stays home with the kids, or the kids, when we design our transit systems.

She was a stylish west coast fashion industry person, not a car enthusiast :) - She wanted the look.