
According to what they said in the Digital After Show, Grant’s last words were: “Take care of her”...

Well regardless of whether it’s a delusion or not, Whiterose certainly is going to a lot of trouble to get her project transported. Given that she told Grant “..I’ll come find you..”, it will be very interesting to see ultimately what “it” is. Grant’s choice of suicide could also be completely reframed, once we get

Can’t read this now since I’ve still got another episode to catch up on before this one, but I just wanted to stop and say thanks again this year. Your recaps of this (and LaToya’s for GLOW) are the ideal and the best on the site by a wide margin. They’re insightful and considered. They often augment the experience of

Elliot new purpose sounds fun and it was nice he got his hack reversal but that coda was a downer. As Darlene’s new friend points out getting E Corp data back won’t save normal people. The rich got what they wanted. E Corp now owns money. Whiterose owns Congo and Elliot just got her transport for her project. And

If nothing else, it’s great to hear Esmail tell the audience (through one of his characters) that he knows his story needs to stick the landing.

Interesting story on American who revolutionized how Japan plays youth soccer. He is now running pilot program in US.

The fact that his name isn’t already a household name with casual American sports fans is big indictment of Fox’s inability to market soccer.

It has to be so freeing, to give so few fucks like he does. I mean, I don’t give a lot of fucks, but the amount he gives has to be approaching if not actually zero. If you could measure the amount of fucks Marshawn gives in atomic movement, it would be the lowest temperature ever recorded in the universe.

Against all odds and sense, it’s actually a very fun hour or so of silly-ass television. I enjoyed the hell out of it, while also knowing that it was really extremely ridiculous.

If somebody said “just kidding, this is some bad fan-fiction from some loser message board” I’d totally believe it

So the show has basically dropped all premise of making sense and turned into a Michael Bay movie? Cool cool cool.

funny way to spell Shae

Just so we’re clear:  MLS is a shit league whose owners don’t want to expose themselves to “large salary costs” and also a league where players can get “easy paydays.”

you realize that if enough players do this then the league actually improves in a material way

You demand that people improve themselves continuously and go to the toughest jobs imaginable, and yet here you are year after year concocting word salads for a website that used to crowdsource funding for athlete dick pictures.

Yeah, kinda sucks you can’t trot out that “retirement league” canard again, right?

“MLS sucks because all the players are bad”

Billy I think you’ve done it. You’ve finally written your worst piece on deadspin. You should be proud

leave my boy Clint Dempsey out of this, buddy

“allegedly growing in popularity”