
I wish I had some clarity on whether or not this bear was cool or good or smart of a combination thereof.

Dear Moms of All Politicians Everywhere,

"I'm gettin too endangered for this shit!"

How do you explain this "hands up" thing, he wanted to know, to the children?

That is a travel.

Of all of the really stupid comments in the grays that I read because I hate myself, I want to single this one out because I think it's truly a monumental achievement in tone-deafness to imagine that young black men are being more detrimentally affected by sympathetic Deadspin articles than by being MURDERED.

Yeah man. These players need to shut the fuck up so I can masturbate to them violently colliding with each other without having to be aware of their "agendas."

Not that I'm particularly surprised but still.

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

All those dogs are dead now.

Did you expect El-P to interrupt Killer Mike, a black man, talking about how much it sucks to be black in America? It's kind of a weird characterization of him in this article...

Killer Mike for Pres.

"...from there it gets a little confusing in the testimonies of the witnesses and Wilson."

killer mike is the fuckin best