
The misogyny, while dumb, isn't even the worst part of these photos. The bros watching the games with baseball gloves on and shit are an affront to humanity as a whole.

I should have specified I'm a Titans fan.

She's a little smokeshow. Don't blame him one bit. Take her home to mom Kyle.

Ohhhh the ref. So good. You better WATCH IT BUSTER.

More interesting would be a ranking of NFL Blitz plays.

Hornets should be higher - they don't look so hot on paper now, but Grandmama & Gill had great ratings and were always on the most-picked team list. And Skiles was terrible, but Shaq was such a force of nature he could hold his own basically by himself (and do front-flip dunks).

Love this bear.

Woman: [ Googles "Floyd Mayweather" ]

I have been to dozens of games there and have never seen anything like that. It was horrifying. And I am not talking about the game play. They got beat, yes, that happens. They played hard for awhile but the offense didn't have it and the defense eventually burned out. I am talking about the scene when Morris was

I enjoy seeing Michigan getting the shit kicked out of them as most sane people do, but how in the hell does Brady Hoke leave Shane Morris in the game after he takes numerous awkward/clearly painful hits to the same leg and then gets destroyed on an uncalled targeting hit? He was dazed, hurt, and hobbling around, and

Brady Hoke just put a guy with a fucking concussion back in the game for a play. Dear lord I know it's terrible when someone loses their job, but only a truly awful person devoid of any apathy would do something like that. I hope this is a with-cause firing and he isn't given a goddamn cent as part of being released

The sad irony of this, of course, is that Taylor's death had at least as much to do with him being a millionaire who lived in a big house as it had to do with him being a young black man. That is to say, the guys were robbing the house because it was big and they figured there'd be lots of valuable shit in it.

My 6 year old son just asked me if that was his first time tackling someone.

"The three stars represent the Galaxy, the Sounders, and NYCFC: the three teams for whom we go out of our way to break our own rules."

I'd like to go on record here: I fully support domestic violets. If you don't like it, you can take your other 63 crayons and just get the hell out.

This is the perfect opportunity for a team to put its foot down and declare, once and for all, that domestic violence has no place among 3rd-string running backs.

Such a damn shame.

*picks up Stepfan Taylor in both FF leagues*

I take all my personal conduct cues from Goodell's ad hoc meting of punishment, which is why I withheld a park visit from my dog after she maimed the neighbor, and then I euthanized her for eating my pot brownies. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a humane society gala to keynote speak at.