
I love how dismissive he looks after the first goal. That shot was incredible, and he walks away like "Of course that happened. Why wouldn't it?"

It is a still grieving mother trying to find answers to the horrible act her son did. You would do the same. If the suit is without merit, the system will sort it out. For you to call her actions pathetic is far far more pathetic than anything she's doing. Douchebag.

Since you've read the article, you may want to go back to the part where the Vikings didn't want Kluwe punting the ball over other people's heads.

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

I think it's split pretty evenly between both. Given the cause, and given that he hasn't gone on to have his own reality tv show, I can forgive him for standing on his soapbox.

I sincerely hope the end result of this article being published is Priefer being unemployable as an NFL coach.

It's a good theory, but I don't think it makes complete sense. Priefer wouldn't cut you because he'd be afraid that he'd catch AIDS.

That man has cargo pants on with a sport coat.

What I love about the Deadspin Bear of the Year award is that it rewards the overall scope and magnitude of the Bear's work to our global culture, holding up a mirror to our society without regard to whether the Bear's contributive impact exerts a positive or negative influence. This bear's body of work was indeed

This is bullshit. How can a bear who ate a bicycle riding monkey be the Bear of the Year? That's a terrible bear. The Bear of the Year should be a good bear.

Kid: [points to shorts] "I want those too!"

How did nobody nominate them for the DSHoF?

When Larry Sanders was talking about the white man dragging his people down, he was just talking about Luke Ridnour.

Pretty confident that King was referring to the morning barista at the Johnston, IA, Starbucks, whose slightly politically tinged banter is not well recieved by those in line for a quadruple nonfat halfcaf hazelnut macchiato.

I can only hope "Getting Hit By A Car" is next up on the voting block.

If there was ever a posterchild for a site called "Regressing," it's Eli Manning.

just kindve curious if theyll delete my coments on my own article

I really really mean this when I say it is the best article I have ever read on gizmodo.

♫ I’ve been dreading all day for Sunday Night,