Makes sense to me. I imagine lawmakers are receiving a much more substantial influx of funding and bribes from corporate lobbyists than they could ever expect to receive to encourage harsher penalties for violent criminals.
Makes sense to me. I imagine lawmakers are receiving a much more substantial influx of funding and bribes from corporate lobbyists than they could ever expect to receive to encourage harsher penalties for violent criminals.
I have a problem with the sort of illegal drag racing that causes tragedies like this, if that's what you mean. I have no problem with legitimate drag racing at a strip, not down a residential street.
When I was younger, I didn't think there was any accessible, legal form of racing in America. I never street-raced, but I eventually realized that there's plenty of accessible motorsports available across all genres and surfaces. To this day I still know many people who refuse to accept that fact, and I realized why.…
Good on you to realize the problem of what you were doing and correcting it before the consequences became tragic. (I mean this genuinely, not trying to be a douche)
The problem comes down to the bizarre standards of our judicial system. A world where a convicted rapist can get less jail time than somebody who illegally downloaded a movie. Same goes with the punishments for street-racing or reckless driving in general, people often get much harsher punishments for trivial…
I still find the short-sighted impulsiveness of the average American consumer (can't speak for other countries) fascinating, especially in regard to buying brand-new cars and trucks.
Exactly. Image is everything in America.
7. ????????????????
Was that a SE-R with the SR20DE or an E / SE / XE with the 1.6? Just curious, I have two SE-Rs myself. I love B13s!
I'm a major Nissan guy, but for some reason I'm still okay with this. Kind of a Viking Funeral as opposed to being daily-driven into the ground by an uncaring soul, and scrapped the first day it doesn't start.
I've always been baffled by Nissan's choice in that regard. I'm not anti-Nissan and I'm especially not anti-FWD, but the Juke is a car that I feel only makes sense with all-wheel-drive. I wouldn't want a tall car with a turbocharger and decent ground clearance with FWD, I'd just get a Fiesta ST or an Abarth instead.
Not for the official vans, but if I were one of the rural postal drivers that drive their own vehicles on their routes, I'd definitely consider the Renegade.
Actually, it's designed to protect the profits of certain automakers who were losing profits to grey-market imports, and disguised as "protecting people on the roads." How would importing a car now, or importing the same exact car five years from now, make any difference in the concern of public safety?
Passive Aggressive too, I like that!
Listen, for some reason I decided to read every single comment in this whole conversation thread and I agree with everybody else that you seem to be the one with the serious problem here. I won't continue to argue with you, you're set in your opinion on the matter and that's fine. We don't have to agree on anything.…
You're either a decent troll, or you sound like the sort of person who would be influenced to go on a shooting rampage because you did it in a video game, so please continue to NOT play GTAV. Not a good game for somebody who can't separate fiction from reality.
Still seems pretty ridiculous to me. Perhaps I'm just ignorant and pilots nearly hitting skydivers is normalcy in the world of skydiving, but I feel like a professional pilot experienced with skydivers would know better.
$$$$$$$$$. Don't feel like paying the massive price premium due to the colossal R32 GT-R jizzfest that's going on right now. Although the R32 is my favorite GT-R and I'd enjoy driving it, I'd rather have the Pulsar GTiR. SR20DET with big power-potential with ATTESA AWD in a compact package. Referred to by many as…