E-Brake can be fun, but even better with weight-transfer and left-foot braking!
E-Brake can be fun, but even better with weight-transfer and left-foot braking!
Scandinavian flick at speed will stick the rear out on almost any FWD in my experience. Getting out of the slide smoothly is the especially tricky part
I like to do it on ice!
Good for you man! Seriously, kudos. I hope you can share that story with a lot of young car guys here and elsewhere. If it serves to stop people from doing things like this, you are performing a valuable service to the community and the public.
Exactly. Apparently it's a much longer sentence to download music without paying for it than it is to physically assault somebody and steal their CD of the same music.
As someone who used to street race, I can say that it is the result of a lack of maturity and an over-inflated ego. Not only did I lose my license for a year, but I had numerous close calls at high rates of speed that would have endangered/killed other motorists. Then I grew up. What I did was wrong, and I paid for…
Step One: Put police decals and a light bar on a Charger Hellcat
"I don't go to the track because I can't afford track days. I need to save the money for new racing slicks."
If it's so well known then why don't they put a stop to this shit? These people are scum and they just don't do anything about it?
Watch this video while you can. Soon, Big Seat Belt will delete it from the internet and eliminate anyone with a remaining copy.
As a Jalop I fully agree. I want to know why it's on. But then I think of my wife who would freak out if she saw that he knock sensor was bad or or O2 sensor was fouled.
Yeah, this just screams "money grab" to charge people $50 to diagnose what the light is. Hell, the light goes on even if your gas cap isn't tightened all the way.
you must massage the electrons through the wire for faster charging.
I find it interesting that Rowan can be both a witty, even cerebral comic and also play slapstick physical comedy without saying a word. I personally am not fond of Mr. Bean or that style of humor, but I can appreciate the range he shows.
If you aren't a fan of Atkinson it's because you haven't watched Black Adder.
I just left a random ass voicemail on his work phone to tell him to check Jalopnik. Creepy? Yes!
Torch...class act move to show appreciation...I am glad your Beetle was returned (and read of saga originally intently)...and am glad that you are doing a solid for SF.