
Helps to be been born as a racial ruling class minority to a successful family, in a heavily racially stratified system that extracted wealth from the country while omitting the majority of the citizenry from said wealth and power at the same time since it’s inception. You’re surprised he was successful in America?

The dotcom boom was some crazy days. I know. I was there. And made a good couple bucks off some stupid ideas.

I was curious, according to wikipedia he made his first millions by creating a web 1.0 company that allowed you to fax opinions to advertisers (or something like that) which was bought by Compaq, how he made millions, before the bubble burst.

Not just worse business sense, but the ability to create drama and negative attention like nothing else. I have so many issues with Kardashians, but they have always been ruthlessly effective with how they make their money and they were rich to begin with! Every moment of Kim and crew over the last fifteen years has

I really don’t understand how some people get to be wealthy. Musk seems like such dumb ass most of the time. Is it simply of a case of being intelligent, but lacking plain common sense?

It’s almost as though the stock market isn’t actually a good marker for the intrinsic value of an enterprise, rather, a manipulable casino.

What if I told you he wasn’t all that smart? 

Musk literally said TSLA was over valued, which is probably the most factual thing he has said all week. 

Kayne is what happens when smart, ambitious, people with serious mental health issues decide they don’t “need” medication because Jesus is the cure.

Anyone who disagrees with this obvious fact will come along shortly to “correct” me.

Let’s play a game of who’s dumber...

Musk hit a trifecta of stupidity just this week alone.

This tool is like a Kardashian with worse business sense.

If youre aware of the aspect of your competetive gameplay, cant you just shut it off deliberately without gimping the number of features in the game?

Some dipshit called into a talk radio show in Boston to suggest just that today. And the right wing host told him he was thinking outside the box. 

To paraphrase Upton Sinclair, “It is hard to get a person to contradict the boss, when his salary depends on him being a spineless sycophant.”

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men people to do nothing

On top of all the racism, utter ineptitude, disdain for government itself and the people he is supposed to be governing, he is just a deeply, deeply stupid person.

The moment when you realize that nobody will remember the years of public service and all the good things you did for people. When you realize that all you will be remembered for is two months of feckless fealty to a fucking moron.

I don’t have any respect for any one who tell other people how to have fun and spend their own money either... but whatever.