
Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

I really like this take because I get the same feeling from a lot of Nazi oriented games. Where it sort of forgets that you are viewing history in a perceived realistic manner, it never had to pander to it in as you put it “knee slapping” fun with your fellow nazis.
Can you just imagine if Civilization had Hitler as

Yeah how dare people be offended by jokes about hanging in a state where till the 80s it was still common for blacks to “disappear” .

Classic non-apology, placing the blame on the offended not the offender.

This is the kind of hard-hitting journalism we need in these times. I am in your debt.

But you didn’t try it with actual nipple piercings? It’s important to be thorough!

What if the nipple tape was used to cover up his nipple rings? How deep does this mystery go!?

Thank you.

Maybe they should just find him a dark-colored shirt.

Because he’s rich and famous and uses his wealth and fame as leverage to tell people that he’s also a genius in everything. Add to that that people are really bad about sorting their emotions on a topic from the facts surrounding that topic, and that people are bad about realizing they’re bad at stuff, and it’s just a

I once heard Trump fairly accurately described as a poor man’s caricature of a rich man, and I think that Musk could be fairly described as a dumb man’s caricature of a smart man.

There are people that, if Elon Musk held them down and shit into their mouths, would talk about what a hero he was for taking time out of his busy day to share a small, steamy part of his genius with them, that it tasted like Cap’n Crunch, and how you’re just hating because you didn’t get a mouthful..

This shit right here is EXACTLY why I won’t buy a Tesla. I’ve come close to pulling the trigger on one three different times. Each time some new story pops-up beforehand where Musk puts his dangerous narcissism on full display.

Social media is a broadcast medium for idiots and almost nothing more.

there have always been idiots shouting nonsense. The problem is that today’s average Joe will believe anything.

Because of his cult like followers & the refusal of many in the media to call a spade a spade. People don’t want to get gamer-gated by his army of incels.

Musk is really one of those guys who hates being wrong, possibly even more than Trump.

Some folks do not know about journals. Jalopnik’s reach can spread good info.

How hasn’t this guy been cancelled yet? I like Tesla but I can’t stand Musk. He’s both a poor man’s Steve Jobs and an over-the-top Steve Jobs. He wants to be as good a marketeer as Jobs but falls short, and he wants to seem “crazy” like Jobs but manages to be even worse than Jobs in his antics. Jobs’ narcissist

Is that like The Most Dangerous Game, but you can do it from your phone and kill more people? You can blame the Twitter and you can blame the Elon, but there have always been idiots shouting nonsense. The problem is that today’s average Joe will believe anything.