
Nah, they know exactly what they are doing. And from a business stand point they are making the right move. But they also know it can, and probably will, hurt them later. So that’s why I believe Sony left themselves a window to crawl out of when it turns from good play to bad, which is why they worded it as “we have

Lol of course it’s garbage that’s the point. I don’t think you disagree with me.

Of course people will do that. Why do you think it has taken this long for Xbox to come around to the idea? In the PS3 and 360 days, both console devs benefited from closed systems, because they had relatively equal market shares. Microsoft isn’t benefiting anymore, since its install base has slipped, so now they see

Yeah and I think they’re obviously aware of that, which is why I think they worded it the way that they did. So they didn’t say “we can’t do this for X reason.” It was more like, “well we have to look into it.” So later on, if it becomes a problem for them, they can be like “well, we’ve looked into it and, due to

I really think a lot of people on this thread aren’t, but maybe I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong lol.

Idk if we read the same article. The one I read, they are saying they are doing it to protect the little children who might be exposed to outside influences they can’t control from other communities. And you use the word “business excuses” as if corporations operate according to some other logic or have other values

Yeeaaaah. That’s the other big reason I’m not getting xbone over ps4 even though the xbone is cheaper (and I’m a big fan of cheaper). I don’t like FPS games so Halo is not even doing it for me. And honest to god, there was a point where I just watched a whole bunch of trailers for Quantum Break, trying to convince

Exactly. And that’s why I said people I was responding more to people on this comments section. But yeah, it’s not like this is a new idea. Cross plat comes out for two games and suddenly people are acting like Microsoft and Nintendo are taking this innovative step forward for the good of the gaming community. This is

I think they are aware that it might backfire. That’s why they are playing the “we need to look into it” card, rather than the “we’re definitely not going to do this” card. If it turns out it hurts sales, they will just say “well, we looked into it and decided, that due to customer demand we should join in.” Watch

I’m actually surprised by that. So many people taking it personally. These corporations are not your friends. They don’t do things out of the goodness of their hearts. Every move they make is a calculated decision with one object in mind (will this help or hurt our bottom line?).

Since it has a mic, can these be used to play the PS4 games?

Since it has a mic, can these be used to play the PS4 games?

Of course it does. I just told you one of the big reasons i’m buying a PS4 is because I want to play Ghost Recon with my friends. If I could play with them on my PC I would have much less of a reason to buy it. I’ve been holding out on consoles since, most of the games I want to play are on PC. But Persona 5, Horizon,

People seem to be operating under the illusion that corporations do things out of good will for their customers. Corporations have never given 2 shits about their customers outside of how much money they can make from them. What we are seeing is something that happens very often historically. A coalition is forming

Microsoft would have done the same thing if they were in the lead. It makes no sense to do it if you are, since people tend to buy consoles their friends have so they can play with them. It makes good business sense to not give up that edge if you are in the lead by a significant margin. IF and when Sony loses their

This is just an excuse. The true reason is profit. As I commented elsewhere. I’m buying a PS4 this week, and a big part of the reason I’m buying one (I’ve been current gen gaming on my PC so far) is because all my friends have PS4s and I’m tired of not being able to play console games with them. If cross platform

I’m buying a PS4 this week. Half of the reason I am buying the PS4 is the exclusives, yeah. The other half is that all my friends have PS4s and I want to play with them. How will this hurt them?

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds!

This Battle For The Future of the Democratic Party, then, is really a battle over how to lure in people who are utterly disgusted with the fact that both major political parties have, for several decades, allowed our nation to become more unequal and less fair and failed to give average working people much of a raise

Alex Jones with a serious face: 30 years ago, they began creating animal human hybrids...isn’t that the big story?