
Lol it’s so funny to me that the acronym is xbox.

That name is so awkward and bad it frustrates me. I even feel slightly embarrassed saying it out loud. Like I’m doing one of those tongue twisters (say xbox one x 3 times fast). It needs a nickname, but xbonex sounds like the screen name of one of those cam girl bots that always used to message you on instant

Not a ps fanboy. In fact I’m only now just buying the ps4 this week. But yeah, I don’t see much need for the xbox one x. There just aren’t enough 4k games and for $500, I can upgrade my PC and it will be ready for them. The exclusives have to go to sony for sure.

I love that gif.

The article was clear enough, it’s the situation that doesn’t make sense. Which, strangely enough, does make sense, given how little people outside the loop know about the situation. I’m sure it will make more sense when more information inevitably comes out.

I actually like the Wii U. At least it seems someone put thought into it. Cuz it’s like we...and you. Get it? Get it??? I think it’s cute.

That doesn’t make it interesting. Not when games like Mount and Blade and For Honor already exist. Not including something doesn’t make a game interesting. Now, if they included some really innovative mechanics, or an original twist to the story, that would make it interesting.

Would have been a much better shirt.

Yeah I am going to buy a console this week and, though I wish I could take advantage of this sale, I think I’m gonna have to go with PS4 for Horizon/UC4/Yakuza/Gravity Rush 2/The Last of Us (which I still haven’t played). Not to mention P5 and Nier, which though I can play on my PC I might as well play on the console

A scam.

I did too actually, though not for the setting.

lol Look if it doesn’t at least have dragons or some shit I’m not seeing the appeal.

Meh, Medieval worlds are just boring without magic though. I’d rather just replay the Witcher 3.

Don’t forget American comics use this same plot device all the time.

I really wish more games would give you the option of switching between audio tracks. I really want to play anime Kingdom Hearts now.

These were almost my thoughts exactly. Of course, it can be countered that these questions do not need to be raised in every single article. Normally, I would agree with a counter like this. But in this case I think these questions do need to be continually raised. Because if not, we run the danger of just repeating

I was wondering that too. Why is it that every time I see or hear of a twitch streamer they look and act like total douche bags. I mean, just look at this guy.

I too like to weeb it out every now and then, so I get it. Keep doing your thing buddy, didn’t mean to disturb your life in any way. I’m just saying I didn’t think it was really that big of a deal. Nothing to get too worked up over you know is all I’m saying. I don’t think the intent was to insult the game or its

I think the article was also very reasonable towards the letter. It didn’t try to say Uber did anything wrong. It was just saying it was weird, and rambly, and I’m sure from what I read that it was both those things. Uber has done plenty of other things to merit criticism, and no, it’s not just “the media.”

But what differentiates that from porn?... Oh yeah, the explicit use of flesh