
This is amazing. This may make me a huge weeb but I somehow find Japanese VAs of Japanese media usually do a better job than their American counterparts. There are exceptions of course but for the most part, that’s how it is. Even some that people say “no, the dub is really good!” I listen to it and I’m just like ???

I used to think I had a lot to prove. I went through that phase. Then I met a university professor who liberated me with his 0 fucks given attitude. I haven’t looked back since.  

Fair enough fair enough. But a lot of people do judge like that so I try and point that out to people. But I see where you’re coming from.

Well I am and I do, thank you. But I can code switch. That was my whole point, you shouldn’t judge people’s language skills just based on how they speak outside of professional settings. Because you never know, they could have the ability to speak or write in different ways and are just choosing not to on that

Appropriating? I was born and raised in projects. Why did you assume I was white?

It’s really not that bad come on. You have to remember academics are experts in their field and that is professional work they are trying to publish. Not in any way comparable to some half assed apology for something that was not even a big deal written on the notes app. Judging someone for how they write in a

Why is he screaming at his steering wheel?

I know you didn’t. I’m really trying to say your comment isn’t really directed at OPs comment . Not that it’s still not valuable. That’s why I said I see what you’re saying. As in, it makes sense. Logical. See nothing wrong with it. But it isn’t addressing the thing OP is talking about.

I see what you’re saying but teachers aren’t security guards.

Hashtag all crimes matter.

All of this may be true but, that’s not what’s happening here. So this dude is mad over nothing and just making himself look dumb.

Why though?

I don’t think OP was blaming the game for not finding it interesting. He just said that for most people, it will be like a trucking simulator. Doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with that. I think he just meant most people who play the game aren’t stumbling across deserted ships. Which makes sense. Like you said

Oh, sorry...lol 

Let’s not forget that Angela Markel is a real O.G.

And also her fortune kind of depends on it. That might not be insignificant.

Yup, and half these guys are the sam. The problem is, most aren’t man enough to admit it. So good on you man.

It’s a popular game. Get used to it lol.

I don’t think this is a problem at all in American sports. I mean, just look at Kobe. This is likely a Korean thing. They are more rigid in their moral standards than we are, more traditional. That, or as others said, she could have been underage or something inappropriate like that.

Oh, my bad lol! Idk know why I thought you were a man. The picture should have given it away.