D. Skye

You can give it any label you want, but at its core, the Flex was a *station wagon*. A Country Squire for the new millennium, if you will.

Enthusiasts know that station wagons are good. The general population thinks otherwise, and thus, the failure of the Flex.

Single handedly make the world a worse place, and make some money doing it” is the overriding principal of Donald Trump and everyone involved with him.

This is now society’s driving morals.

How about two knots and two milk jugs, so that it sounds more like a V8 instead of a Model T?

We were ahead of our time with clothespins and baseball cards.

I mean children exist, they aren’t all that aware of their surroundings all the time. It’s not that bad of an idea to have extra noise at low speeds.

Our adversaries would love nothing more than for the American people to lose all faith in our system of government and elections. They spent 4 years helping to push Trump’s message that the election was stolen in order to convince 1/3 of the country. Now they are coming for the other 1/3 of voters. Don’t be a pawn for

It’s the cabinet from Idiocracy. I fully expect the EPA clown to say every 3 minutes: Brought to you by Shell-Exxon-Mobile.

Musk and others who are in Trump’s orbit as potential cabinet and “czar” positions don’t have an adequate background to perform their duties but have convinced themselves they do. This coming administration will be known by historians as “The Dunning-Kruger Presidency”.

“John we have lots of ways that we can get stuff across the border, I will give you a call later I just need you to be complacent and how we do it and I don’t wanna do it over email.””

Three months too early.  If they could have held out until January there’d be no more EPA to deal with, and Attorney General Gaetz will be too busy sourcing more underage pussy to worry about prosecuting anyone. 

Who would have thought when “Idiocracy” premiered in 2006, it would be the leading documentary of this century

There should be one handle per door, half pull - electronic, full pull mechanical.

something that most owners, let alone a passenger in a panic, aren’t likely to have.”

Congratulations on making more money than I do, I guess. Kind of a shame it didn’t make you any less of an ass.

The car went from stolen to totaled.

Well, considering they kept repeating that mistake for 4 years, and that it got admittedly worse at the end, I’m nauseously optimistic this is what will happen.

Elon is reminding me of Henry Ford. When I first learned about Henry, he was an amazing innovator who created the assembly line and paid his working a high wage. Way to go Henry! Then I found out he thought the Nazis were on the right track with fascism. And that he published and distributed worldwide an astonishingly

I’m just hoping that the horrors that they have planned are muted by what is sure to be incompetence and infighting at every level.