D. Skye

What a difference an E and extra oxygen can make.

I’ve got smart, non-religious friends that bought a Tesla before Musk came out as a fascist megalomaniac. I’m pretty sure they’d sell it if it could be done without losing their shirts. That’s not so easy with used ones going for so cheap these days.

The display of the parking meter itself seems like a good place. It would be tougher to hack that to replace it.

I’m no Zuckerberg fan, but I’d love to watch him kick the shit out of Elon.

I don’t know, maybe NASA should pay for therapy for any of the family members that need it. Could be traumatizing. Definitely a fucking hassle having to deal with the repairs. That kind of hassle has got to be worth something. 

Neon isn’t that far off from helium at 27 Kelvin boiling point. I wonder how much each degree of boiling point matters? I’m going to guess that the folks at NASA probably considered all possible gasses when designing the thrusters. Neon is more abundant and has a higher mass. 

Wow, seems like I hit a nerve. I assure you, that if one of us is stupid, it’s not me. And you don’t get to tell me who I get to engage with. You don’t have to do your own research, you can continue to be an ignorant, pompous asshole all you want. And for the record, vaccines work, the earth is round and you’re an

Yeah, this article is a load of plain old deer urine. Not the kind that shamans drank after the deer had consumed some A. muscaria. Stating that A. muscaria is more toxic than fentanyl is wildly factually inaccurate.

Congrats on using a lame meme instead of debating me on the facts.

Tell me you’ve done zero research on amanita muscaria without telling me you’ve done zero research on it.

Tell me, how many deaths or hospitalizations were there last year that can directly be attributed to A. Muscaria? 

There is no way that amanita muscaria or its extract is more toxic or deadly than fentanyl. It’s been used ritually for a very long time. If you take enough prepared properly you may think that you’ve died, or if you take enough improperly prepared you may wish that you had died, but it’s not a particularly toxic

My lungs really like the sound of this. The less diesels spewing toxic particulates the better. 

Yeah, but that’s not how it’s been marketed. According to the marketing spin it’s bulletproof and is basically amphibious. Just don’t wash it in the sun.

Hi. I’m not Emily Haines, and I’d love to be out of the grays.

There are some recent news articles about two hunters dying from prion disease after eating deer meat that was infected. edit* After looking into it a bit more the CDC says it wasn’t the deer being infected with chronic wasting disease that caused the men’s illness, but that conclusion seems speculative. I seem to

Same. It’s a tragedy, but much better for his family than if he hadn’t been found.

If it’s anything like the Cybertruck it’ll be amazing s/.

Yes, in the broadest terms it is art. I still think it’s bad and stupid art. Of course that is just my opinion, which is objectively as valuable as the “art” in question. The only emotional response the dress produces in me is a metaphorical eye roll. 

No, I’ve got no problem with art museums. Art is obviously a broad category of creative endeavors, but some of it is so bad that it boggles my mind. Crap like the dress in this article. It’s ostensibly “clothing”, but nobody in their right mind would wear it as such. This “dress” like a lot of other “high fashion”

“High fashion” may be the dumbest thing humanity has ever created.