D. Skye

You could install the uBlock Origin extension to your browser and have a much better experience. I did that a couple of years ago when I read an article on Gizmodo (of all places) about it. It does require you to allow sites access for certain functionality (banking and such probably won’t work right if you’ve got it

Liquid water might allow life there. I’d love to live long enough to find out for sure if there is or isn’t.

We’re good at it, but we’re not the only pro’s. I’d argue that there are other countries even better than we are at giving no fucks about the future costs of our current actions and policies. 

200 to 400 human-built objects reenter through Earth’s atmosphere every yea *for now. That number isn’t getting smaller. We can do better than “thoughts and prayers” when it comes to deorbiting satellites. It’s ridiculous that we just figure the risk is worth it when it’s created by private enterprise for profit. Is

I’m firmly in the anti-Elon club, but truth is truth. In this case, it’s not the safety that’s the issue. I’m not aware of any health risks associated with the degradation of the device’s connections, just a decrease in effectiveness.

That said, Elon deserves every bit of hate he gets. He’s earned it. Rational

I’m not sure too many people are still on the “Elon is a genius” train. He’s been so generous lately in showing us all what a giant sack of horrible shit with awful judgement he is. Yeah, there will aways be fans that dote on him. That’s the way fame tends to work.

I don’t know about that. This patient in particular was facing a very grim future, and the procedure worked to restore some of his function and improved his quality of life. Yes, it has started to fail, which is a shame and regretful. Yes, Musk is a truly awful person, perhaps the worst of his type aside from Martin

Anyone else feel like Musk is modeling himself after Zorg from The Fifth Element? 

You sound like a master of projection.

Holy crap! I could tell by looking at her that she’s a a shit ton of work done on her face, but I didn’t know it was that much. I’ll see if I can get some pics to post. 

Noem admits to shooting a goat and failing to kill it with one shot, which required her to hike back to her truck to get more ammo to dispatch the suffering animal. Is that abusive? Maybe. Is she incompetent and cruel? Definitely. 

Congrats on embracing the person you are and finding the courage to share that with us. 

How do you fix the beige dash without removing Mario’s signature? Maybe the signed dash is why they went with the beige interior? Seems like a signed plaque would have been better. 

I propose that when the offenders are caught they are sentenced to prison for a duration that lasts until they’ve eaten an amount of garbage that is roughly equivalent to what they tossed into the ocean.

I’d love to see the same test given to people that ride Harley’s with straight pipes. I bet the ratio of sadistic psychopaths would be even higher in that group. 

Good questions that I’d like answers for too. I’m very pro space exploration, but surely we can do it more safely. 

“space agencies commonly accept a 1 in 10,000 probability threshold for the casualty risk of a single uncontrolled reentry” Maybe it’s just me, but it’s not really the space agencies facing the risk, it’s the population at large. Why this reckless “whelp here’s hoping this doesn’t kill somebody” attitude towards

We’re clearly living in a very darkly humorous satire reality. How the fuck do we get back to normal reality? Fucking Twilight Zone.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking. I know that there are plastic compounds that make it into the ecosystem that are actually harmful to various plants or animals, but PVA specifically is not something to be freaking out about. 

Is there any evidence that the microplastics that are being found in water are PVA? I don’t see any data anywhere that’s the case. I’m interested in how many PVA micro-particles are being found in water, considering that PVA dissolves rapidly and completely in water. This seems like a knee jerk reaction to a material