D. Skye

That passes the sniff test at least. I think Musk revels in being an edge lord. Saying ridiculous bullshit gets him clicks and likes from his adoring fanbase. 

Musk may be on the autism spectrum (I haven’t heard him say that or seen a doctors report to prove that statement), but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a massive piece of shit and a horrible human being. He’s also made plenty of blatantly dishonest statements, so your statement that “he says what he means and

This move has a real “My Pillow” vibe to it. Sneaker “con” indeed.

I’m not sure how useful this testing will be without the suit and person inside it being in vacuum. Wearing it in a vacuum will be far different and more informative than wearing it in zero g with a breathable atmosphere.

Yeah, nitrogen asphyxiation is probably one of the best ways to go. Xenon might be better because it makes you really high before you die, but considering it’s extremely expensive I doubt that would fly.

Equipment to concentrate nitrogen from the air is widely available and not terribly expensive. It works the same

Armstrong meant to say “for a man”, which works grammatically with “one small step for mankind”. As opposed to how he said it, which really doesn’t make sense.

Yeah, this is the Mad Max equivalent to really shitty steampunk where the “artist” glues a bunch of gears that don’t connect to each other or anything else onto something and spray paints it copper. Such low effort and stupid.

Good. Apple is one of the most litigious companies I know of, especially when it comes to patents. I’d have been pretty pissed if Biden gave them a pass for violating patents.

I’m not about to give Apple any money, therefor I won’t be subscribing to Apple TV.

The car it’s based on may have been heavier and (possibly) more aerodynamic, but I’m really not digging this things lines. The 1958 Abarth-Alfa Romeo 1000GT Berlinetta it’s based on was much better looking.

The HDR that comes with most 4k streams is the real upgrade in my opinion. I can tell the difference between 4k and full HD, but it’s not hugely different. HDR on the other hand is a massive difference. 

The Cybertruck reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons where Homer designs the ugliest, most idiotic car imaginable.

Of course someone should only take medical advice from their doctor, but doctors don’t do genetic testing, they send samples to be tested to private labs. 

I get your sentiment, but it ignores people that have family histories of diseases that are genetic in origin. People with family histories of certain cancers or other diseases would be idiots to not have their genes analyzed by a private company.

Scott has one of those faces that just beg to get punched, much like Martin Shkreli. They’re also both sociopathic slimeballs, which probably has something to do with their punchability.

Fair point. Whatever the origin of the bones, it’s not alien. 

My guess was that is exactly what they did. Chicken bones, or some other small vertebrate. Iguana maybe? Who knows. It’s obviously as fake as a three dollar bill though. If the “artist” that made them had studied just a little anatomy they could have at least looked plausibly real.

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. 

No doubt. I could make far more convincing fake aliens corpses in a week. Whoever made them has no clue about biomechanics or biology. Hell, I’ve got no training in either of those and I can tell that they were never living.