D. Skye

Maybe it’s something in the water. Or incest. 

That’s a good take.

Damn it’s funny watching Musk trying to convince everyone that the steaming pile of shit he plopped out is the most amazing thing we’ve ever seen. What a fucking joke.

I agree with SnuggleStruggle that the real upside to 4k TV’s isn’t the resolution so much (although I can tell the difference between 1080 and 4 easily on my TV), but the HDR. HDR content can look so much better than non-HDR content. 

I hope she isn’t re-elected now that it’s painfully clear she has some serious mental health issues. She needs help, not a microphone.

True, but your iPhone can’t maintain a lunar orbit.

“The left is so stupid” she says. I think the gazpacho police would like to ask her a few questions.

That looks like a janky kit car designed by someone that has no engineering experience whatsoever. Fugly.

I had more or less the same thought but it was less kind. She kind of reminds me of an orc that’s had plastic surgery to look human. It is by no means the worst plastic surgery I’ve seen, but it’s pretty jarringly bad.

That’s pretty sweet service. I’ve got a 75" TCL that shat sparks and died during some power surges. It was out of warranty so I looked online and found a replacement board (after being unable to determine what component in the failed board had given up the magic smoke). The tv worked perfectly after installing the

Sure, because every radioactive source is the same as all the others right? Derp.

What could possibly go wrong? /s

So this is what we get when oil companies have pocketed massive profits off of their offshore drilling over the past few decades? Fuck the oil companies. They need to be the ones paying for fixing this, not taxpayers.

I have no idea when they burn crops, but I’d guess not during the winter season, which is when I was there. I got the very strong feeling that the entire country of India is faking it ‘till they make it. I had so many terrifying moments during my short time there. Some heartbreaking ones too.

I’m also glad they’re

As a kid I lived in LA for the year of 1979 and I don’t recall the air being anything as nasty as the time I spent in India. I actually remember the skies being a pretty nice blue. It was mostly cloudless when I was in India and there wasn’t any blue to the sky. On my way to the airport in Mumbai I saw plenty of giant

My second car was a first gen MR2. Fun little car. Not fast, but a nice driver. NP on this one.

Having been to India and seen how incredibly filthy the air there is, I think this is a good first step. The air was so thick with smog that on my way home it was clearly visible not just in the airport, but also the 747 I flew home in. The I could literally see the smog inside the airplane when I got to my seat and

How about abolishing the Monarchy? 

Musk may be the most fickle “genius” ever. I’m a bit shocked that Twitter is still afloat at all. My guess is his handlers are always putting out the fires he sets all around him.

I think so. Especially when you consider the photo he posted of himself menacing Bragg with a baseball bat.