D. Skye

You’re not wrong.

I’m not a lawyer, but is that kind of speech not an attempt to obstruct justice?

I’d like to nominate Missouri as the shart state. 

That’s seriously next level fucked up shit. 

Seems like a solution in search of a problem. Glass recycles easily. It doesn’t release harmful compounds if it’s improperly disposed of. 

That’s both a bad and stupid take. Fuck your orange savior in his pig face.

Trying to impress your dad Eric? 

I can think of one way she’d be free of that asshole. It would be extra-legal.

I don’t give a fuck if it stays on standard or DST, just stop changing the fucking clocks twice a year. It’s both insane and harmful.

I would hope that the fine would be divided amongst the passengers held against their will for the 5 plus hours. That’s probably not going to happen though. 

No doubt.

The massive inflation and property value bubble may have something to do with it. Pretty much everything is more expensive, including labor and materials. I’m sure there were unforeseen issues in geology and such. There’s a section of rural highway were I live that took a decade or so longer to build than planned for.

I couldn’t afford the fuel that thing needs for an hour of operation. 

At this point I’m pretty sure he’s literally getting off on being a blatant asshole. See his tweet agreeing with the Fucker Carlson gaslighting version of the Jan. 6th insurrection.

I don’t see any apology for Elon’s assholery, just an apology for being wrong about the guys employment status. So not really an apology at all. Fuck Elon.

Yeah, it it’s got palm oil in it, it’s not really chocolate.

Considering it’s not actually chocolate... yeah. Not tempered. Not chocolate.

That’s a crazy price considering it doesn’t print real chocolate, but rather a “chocolatey” mix of chocolate and palm oil. You could DIY something similar for a lot less money with only a little work. You can get a printer that prints clay for less than a third of the cost of that thing. 

That’s not what I said. What I said was “birds of a feather flock together” which means (sigh, do I really have to explain this?) that your friends are likely to be like you in interests and activities. If your friends are always trashing places they rent then it seems reasonable to me that you are either okay with it

I don’t see the problem with this. Birds of a feather flock together and all that. This blather “Since the founding of this country, we’ve held that it’s illegal for the government to punish one person for the crimes committed by their relatives,” FoX Cahn added. “And even if companies remain free to collectively