D. Skye

That looks a lot like a 75% scale of the last Supra. I think I like it. Glad they gave it more beans. I’d consider this over a Miata if the price is right. 

I literally nearly died twice riding in one of these that my dad bought when I was about 10. He took us for a ride down highway 101 on the Oregon coast the first day he bought it. It had been a dream of his to own an old Willy’s jeep. A safety check wasn’t considered before loading me, my two younger brothers and our

Nah, that looks like ass. Incohesive hot garbage.

It would have been nice to see the entire car in a 3/4 view front and back. I really can’t tell what the overall shape is from the photos. 

4k is definitely sharper if you have a large enough screen or sit close enough. HDR is a bigger benefit than extra detail in my opinion. 

I notice a difference between 1080 and 4k on my tv, which is 75". I sit about 11 feet from the screen. The difference between HDR on non-HDR is very noticeable though, more than the sharper images with 4k. Motion artifacts tend to be substantially less noticeable in 4k as well. I’ll most likely get an even larger tv

I like the Tucson headlight array, but I imagine buffing out the yellow film that will eventually form on them will be a pain in the butt compared to regular headlights. 

Well, a little murder and suicide never stopped some parents.

Yeah, this is the coolest space news in a long time.

I’ve noticed that same large blank space showing up recently.

I’ve been to India and it seemed like everyone, I mean everyone had fully embraced the “fake it ‘till you make it” mantra. The fact that a pandemic is running out of control there surprises me not at all. 

That looks like the most boring way possible to blow $1200.

That thing is so very far from pristine. I don’t gaf about what the odometer says. It’s nasty. 

It takes up more parking space than a minivan, but holds far less, is slower and much worse on gas. Plus it looks like something you’re required to drive 15 under the posted speed. No dice, at any price. 

There is nothing on the end of the belt to prevent things from getting pulled under by the belt. Most treadmills have an end cap that makes getting sucked under impossible. 

I suppose that’s a lame attempt at humor. Very funny motherfucker, very funny. 

DJI drones are ridiculously easy to fly. I don’t think you’ll find an easier to fly drone from any other manufacturer. I’ve got the DJI Mavic Pro (original version) and I had the DJI FPV drone until I got careless and the ocean ate it. They’re both great and super fun to fly. The Mavic line has the better cameras, but

Someone in the comments here or maybe Gizmodo suggested using uBlock Origins to make the Gawker Media sites usable. I can confirm that the ridiculous and awful ad problems here are gone after installing it. I suppose I feel a bit bad that I get the benefit of the content without helping their revenue, but not bad

I’d love to know why someone decided to name a concept car after mythical Hawaiian creatures that supposedly build cairns out of lava rocks. They’re kind of like the Hawaiian equivalent of leprechauns.

I can’t stand when people choose to massively slow down BEFORE getting into a turn lane when exiting the highway. The turn lanes are there so that fuckfaced idiots don’t HAVE to slow down the highway when exiting. 

I guess if you have to ask...

But seriously, I scanned the article again after reading it to see if I’d somehow missed that rather important detail. I also didn’t see anything in the way of specs other than 0-60 and other tidbits of trivia.