D. Skye

Scientists would probably be best off not allowing themselves to feel terror over the outcome of any experiment.

Sitting atop a rocket that could catastrophically explode would be a reasonable source of terror for an astronaut or their loved ones.

Seven minutes of terror” is just a stupid phrase. It’s like using the

Yeah, if words could only have more than one meaning. Oh wait as second...

The US just experienced a collective terror event. Equating the potential failure of a science experiment to an actually terrifying event is stupid.

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. It’s simply untrue. Maybe take another look at some porn.

You’d be lucky to get the chance.

Terror over a science experiment failing is stupid. Falsely equating my opinion of the matter to something as permanent as death is equally stupid.

It’s awesome that you’re personally involved, I’m jealous. I still think feeling terror over the possibility of failure is stupid. I get anxiety and extreme stress but not terror. “Seven minutes of terror” is a stupid phrase. No lives will be lost, no insurmountable obstacles will be created. 

If you’re a programmer that causes a $2.7 billion crater then maybe you shouldn’t be a programmer. People lose jobs all of the time from incompetence or circumstances beyond their control. Being terrified over the most complicated science project NASA has attempted seems juvenile. In science, failure is always a

Fair point. I do expect they’d have some anxiety. Terror though? It’s not a do or die situation. Lessons will be learned no matter the outcome. That’s what science is. 

I don’t know what you mean by that. Terror is an emotion that people experience when they fear for their lives or safety. There is real terror in the world as anyone not living under a rock knows. The upcoming Mars rover descent shouldn’t be inspiring terror in anyone. To repeat the stupid “seven minutes of terror”

I wish the term “seven minutes of terror” would die already. Terror is a real thing experienced by real people and rover descents hardly qualify. Exciting, yes. Nerve-wracking, no doubt. Terror, not even close. When people are landing on Mars there may be some well deserved and appropriately called terror. 

That said,

It’s not sandpaper. Not even close. “magic eraser” is melamine foam. If you keep it wet and make sure no grit is on the glass, magic sponge will clean glass very well without streaks or scratches.

Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol and water, no glycerin or glycerol (same thing). Pre-covid I could buy 99% isopropyl at my local supermarket (Fred Meyer aka Kroger).

Considering he’s rocking a Hitler mustache in the photos of his arrest it seems pretty clear who he idolizes...

I know it’s a one of one, but my god those panel gaps are just awful. Cool looking car though. Glad it got put back to its original condition. 

I know it’s a bit late in the game, but would it be worthwhile to impeach Trump again for willfully spreading disinformation to the populous? He’s fomenting the seeds of a civil war. He’s a clear and present danger to this country and seems to be growing more unhinged every day. 

My Windows laptop has a touchscreen. I don’t use it every day, but I’m really glad I have it when I do use it (for instance when my mouse battery dies). It’s kinda like heated seats in a car. You can have a car without heated seats and never know what you’re missing until you’ve owned a car with them. I won’t buy a

That’s my thought too. Why does DeJoy get a stern talking to for defying a court order? If I defied a court order I’d be put in jail. I know it’s not apples to apples, but just how “important” does someone have to be to be immune to defying a court order? 

Not sure if this link will work, but here’s a photo of a platypus fluorescing:

It’s well past time that we enact legislation that ends lobbying. Also, we need legislation that severely punishes anyone that abuses the power of their office, whether they’re elected, appointed or hired. These kinds of fuckers will continue to shit on us until we do. 

Good idea. I could drop a big load from a drone. Less personal risk that way.