D. Skye

Damn, that will make it more difficult.

It seems like it’s not that difficult to skirt those rules. I think the following would comply:

Looks like they’re trying to out-Honda Honda. Blech.

Good luck! Could be fun.

That man is the hero we need.

I agree. If he ran his business like he built that Jeep and wrote the ad it’s no wonder the business failed. 

Oregon leans pretty hard left but there are plenty of inbred hillbilly mouth breathing wannabe rednecks here.

Here in Oregon you can get approved for a CHL online. There is zero requirement to prove that you can actually safely physically handle a handgun. The test is simple and I think costs $70. After passing you have to go to the local Sheriff’s office to get fingerprinted. Again, no need to prove that you even know how to

I’d like Apple to go eat a bag of dicks. What litigious twats.  

Disney+ is only $7 a month, so you’d spending $37 for a first release major production plus a month of Disney+ It’s simple enough to cancel your subscription after you’ve watched the movie. I watched enough VOD movies after Hamilton that it was totally worth the $7 I paid to see it. I’d do it again for a first release

Trump really only cares about himself. All of his actions prove that. Every single thing he does (or refuses to do) is to further his own personal interests. He thinks that acting macho (refusing to wear a mask) will keep his base happy. He thinks that empowering his base to ignore science will keep his base happy.

Kill it with fire! What a monstrosity. That puts the fuckin’ in fugly. 

The article has been updated to include the frequency: 670 nm

Cars aren’t even close to airtight. If you have covid you’re likely leaving a trail of infectious virus laden particles in your wake as you drive. Wearing a mask will help reduce that. Wearing a mask will also reduce the number of virus containing particles you breathe in if you’re driving behind someone infected. 

No, save a few buck more and buy a Phrozen Sonic Mini or a Elegoo Mars. They’re far better with better community support.

No, save a few buck more and buy a Phrozen Sonic Mini or a Elegoo Mars. They’re far better with better community

No, Little America III was a base built in Antarctica, not the vehicle in the article.

That Ferrari is living its best life. So glad to see a performance car being used passionately. 

Great, my wife works at our local hospital taking care of covid positive patients. Patient toilets don’t have lids there. 

And flying! Even if it’s noisy it would be awesome. FPV drone flight and my dreams are probably as close as I’ll ever get, but it’s possible I could build something like in that video. 

Well, powered flight is always going to be noisy unless there is some technological breakthrough. Airplanes are crazy loud as are helicopters. I’m going to guess that the quadcopter that crashed in the video is also very loud. That’s why pilots wear hearing protection.