D. Skye
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This guy built a multirotor with multiple redundant systems. If one flight controller dies, or even a few motors the aircraft will stay in the air and under control:

I provided three possibilities one being ignorance. I don’t consider ignorance a failing in many situations. Maybe Kate didn’t know? I’m not sure if you know Kate personally or what, but your response to me seems like I’ve offended you. Whatever. I don’t know you, I don’t know Kate and her comment fits perfectly into

Kate’s response is one that ignorant people make. I don’t know what Kate knows so I can only go on what she’s posted. My response to her was intended to be educational, as she seems to not understand how censorship and the FA relate.

I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I could have used harsh language describing her

I can’t tell if you’re stupid, ignorant or a troll.

First, social media platforms are not subject to any law that prevents them from censoring any content they see fit. The first amendment only provides protection of speech FROM GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP.

Second, there is plenty of speech that isn’t protected by the FA.

It was minutes later and well documented. Pull your head out of your ass.

It’s a lovely dream. I hope it comes true.

Nope, that grill is still too big and ugly.

Your white privilege is showing. Of course they’re riots. Burn the fucking city down if that’s what it takes for laws to change so that people of color aren’t being murdered by police regularly.

I’m as white as milk and I’m sick and fucking tired of reading about people of color being murdered by police. You should be

What does that actually mean though? I appreciate that he verbalized that he arrests were wrong, but in the end saying “my bad” is a hollow apology if no action is taken to prevent it from happening again. 

So this is roughly the equivalent of Trum stripping naked, gyrating his hips and holding a sign proclaiming he has the biggest hardest penis in history. However we can clearly see that his tiny mushroom shaped peen would look small on an infant. Oh how I miss the days when I thought GWB was the worst President we

Wow, BMW is cranking the ugly up to 11. The wheels look like nasty cheap aftermarket hubcaps and overall the car (besides the ugly oversized grill) could be a Kia from a couple of years ago. 

I think you’ve confused craft with art. The model is certainly outstanding in detail and workmanship, but it isn’t really art. It’s a scale reproduction of previous art. The model doesn’t elevate the original design in any meaningful way. Yes, it’s smaller but that doesn’t make it more difficult to produce. It’s

I’ll take your melodramatic advice for what it’s worth, jack shit. 

Squirrels can be incredibly destructive to human property. I’ll gladly put one down if it’s in my yard. They are very cute pests. 

Yeah, Trump is as much a Christian as he is a pornstar.

I’ll take your bait. Orthodox Judaism is just as stupid as every other religion, but much stupider than most. 

I didn’t see this mentioned in the article or comments, this movie is available (at the time I’m writing this) on Amazon Prime in HD . I’ve never seen it, but will now since I don’t have to pay extra to do so. 

That’s shady af if that’s what’s happening. Super annoying either way.

I have no idea why this website (and its siblings) are so buggy. Comments rarely populate when I get to the end of the article and there’s a good half second of lag or more between a key press and the character showing up on screen.

I’ve found that hitting the home button and then clicking on the comments icon at the