D. Skye

No. It was ugly as mud when new and it’s just as ugly today. It’s a sad testament to the malaise era. Fucking ugly now and forever. 

Sounds like a recipe for extra wrecks in the near future.

Does anyone know what the car in the image up top is? It looks really cool. 

I just looked through their website detailing the Air 2 and they make no mention of a 48MP sensor. They specifically state 48MP photos. I’m pretty sure they’re achieving that through stitching four photos together, which will yield a true 48MP photo. A sensor that size with 48MPS’s would have photosensors too small to

Do you have some information that shows that Dyson won’t be able to completely write off the expense of their “donation”? Is there something that will prevent them from selling their ventilator at a profit? 

I can’t speak to their treatment of employees as I have no knowledge of it specifically but I’d hope that they pay and treat them very very well, as Dyson has the highest markup of any of its peers as far as I can tell. Their “R&D” to make those ventilators will certainly be a tax write off, so not exactly charitable.

No worries. Dyson will just sell them to governments for 600% more than the market average price. 

The companies producing oil are getting screwed? So the massive profits they have amassed (at a cost to us all) mean nothing now? I say happy day. Fuck those greedy bastards.

I think this is a fantastic move by Trump. How better to stem the spread of a deadly infectious disease than to end financial support to the agency designed to stop the spread of infectious diseases. It’s the tip of mount Trump. It’s the shit covered cherry on the shit sundae we’re all having to gargle daily. We will

It was a half hearted half assed fauxpology. He blatantly lied and said he was only trying to lessen the panic. Total bullshit. 

I live in Oregon and I don’t know if I would vote if I couldn’t do it by mail. Vote by mail should be nationwide.

I thought Halloween was heathen Easter? Seriously though, I do like the idea of a heathen Easter.

Trump did say we would win this. He was right for a change. It won’t be long until we’re number one in deaths if serious changes aren’t made really soon.

The drug they took (intended for fish) is Chloroquine phosphate. That is the generic name of the prescription human drug Chloroquine. So they took the drug Trump was talking about, but clearly the wrong dosage. Pull your head out of Trumps ass already. 

They are the same chemical compound. I have no idea of how the dosage for one compares to the other, or how much they took. Chloroquine phosphate (the fish cleaner) is the generic term for the prescription drug Chloroquine. So they took the drug Trump was talking about, but clearly the wrong dose and without any

Chloroquine phosphate IS Chloroquine. They’re the same compound. 

The fish medicine they took is Chloroquine phosphate, otherwise known as the drug Chloroquine. Same compound.

Maybe the radiator is doing double duty as a heater core?

If it comes with $20,000 in cash in the trunk it’s a solid value. If not, it’s the biggest, crackiest pipe I’ve ever seen.

He survived bone spurs, surely a tiny liddle virus can’t harm a man of such great stature?! /s

Any vehicle designed for off road travel should be called an ORV as in The Goonies. Off Road Vehicle. ORV.