D. Skye

I don’t buy your logic at all. We aren’t bound to continue harmful traditions. The men doing this vile act have other options.

I’m not the guy sucking infants dicks, I’m the guy saying it should be illegal. You seem intent on apologizing for the dick sucking assholes.

Babies can’t give consent to such an act and

Sure buddy. Except that we know how infections disease spreads. We’re not living in the middle ages.

Plenty of sick fucks get into religion for the sole purpose of molesting children. I have little doubt that any man that decides to suck a baby’s penis is not doing it for a sick sexual thrill.

It’s not weird, it’s

You mistake my abhorrence at a grown man sucking an infant’s dick for anti-semitism. The fact that you’re seemingly okay with that horrific act tells me you’re probably a pedophile. 

The laws need to be changed to prevent this kind of bullshit from happening again.

It sounds to me like you’re okay with grown men sucking infants dicks. You’re a sick fucker.

We all know that there is no reason for a religious figure to suck a baby boys penis. Saying that “God told me to” might have flown a few hundred years ago if you were a mouth breathing inbred brain damaged moron, but we don’t

I understand full well that there is no good reason to suck an infants dick, especially if the baby’s penis has just had the foreskin cut off. The act should be criminal. It’s vile and there is no possible reason to justify it. Do you really believe god wants babies to get herpes from a bloody post-circumcision

Oh my fucking god. How can any person of sound mind be okay with a grown man sucking the just circumcised penis of an infant?! This is so very obviously a horrible idea. We put people in prison for acts that are far less offensive. Religion sucks, this proves it.

Something about the data Iran is publishing about their Covid19 cases doesn’t add up. Globally the disease has a 3.3% mortality rate. If Iran’s numbers are accurate they have a 19.6% mortality rate. 

I pay about $14 US per gallon for Dawn Pro at my local restaurant supply store. I use it to make my giant bubble mix.

I’m friends with Tom on FB and real life. Here’s a comment he made on the original article: “I and several other bubble people have been using long chain polymers for big bubbles for some years now but this study does have some people talking now because of the claim that a mix of longer and shorter chained polymers

It’s not the best color, but oh my what a sweet automobile.

This administration seems determined to leave the biggest, ugliest stain on humanity that it can. Sigh.  

Yep, I think you nailed it.

There may be some merit to what you’ve written, but to me the Cybertruck looks ugly. It could have been designed with a similar highly angular style without the hideous proportions and displeasing angular junctions. 

I’d argue that it looks like it was modified by a 12 year old, not designed by one. 

Looks matter in every single physical thing we buy. The Cybertruck seems to have been designed with the intent to pare the shape down to the absolute minimum complexity. While it may have succeeded at that, it’s so so very ugly. It looks to me like it was designed by an untalented 12 year old. 

Indeed. It’s pretty well known to be very helpful to a lot of folks with cluster headaches. Considering that CH’s are so painful that they drive some people to suicide it seems like a no brainer (no pun intended) to study psilocybin as a treatment. 

If you’ve got your magic un-graying wand handy still, I’d love to be out of the greys. Considering I’ve been the subject of two articles on this website it seems weird to be gray. 

It’s a bit early for an April fools joke...Flying is bad enough why would anyone torture themselves with six boring simulated hours of it?!