D. Skye

It still looks too much like it was made of wax and had a blow torch passed over it. Sad that Mazda moved away from their previous design language for the 3.

It’s season 17, Gabon. One of the better seasons IMO.

So six people dead and sudden outcry to ban a likely less harmful alternative to smoking. Meanwhile 1.300 people in the US die every single day from smoking. Let’s ban smoking first. 

Yeah, it pisses me off that smoking kills 1.300 PER DAY in the US and cigarettes are still legal, as is smoking in public. Lets ban smoking and then talk about ecigs. 

I was still quite happy with my Note 9, but Samsung offered to give me $600 to trade it in on the new Note 10, plus they offered me $200 credit to buy Samsung gear. It made it a no brainer to pick up the Note 10. I’m really liking it so far. The new in-screen speaker for using it as a phone requires careful placement

I haven’t used a gaming headset to compare to actual surround speakers, but there is no way that headphones can provide the tactile response that a good subwoofer can to a game. I don’t game much, but great tactile bass adds a ton of dimension to a some games. Can’t really get that from headphones. I haven’t tried

I’ve got a 5.2 system set up in my living room and I love the immersion I get from the rear speakers. As my living room is also my “home theater” I’d really hate to lose the way the surround effects draw me into the movie or show I’m watching. 

I am so ashamed to be an American right now. This place is on fire and a large (and stupid) portion of the population is fanning the flames and cheering. 

Nope. That’s just ass ugly. 

If I were suddenly granted omnipotence I’d make every smoker from that moment forward eat every cigarette butt that they litter. I’d also envelope every cigarette smoker inside of a magic bubble that would prevent any of their nasty toxic smoke from escaping.

I’d also turn Trump into a pig.

No one is proposing moving any graves. I have no idea why you’d bring that up. The TMT won’t be located near any gravesites. It also won’t be located near any historical locations.

I’m glad it wasn’t a threat of violence towards me. Can you see how it could be taken that way?

People can protest whatever they want. If you want to protest the TMT then go for it. I won’t feel any sympathy for you if you get arrested though. The law is clear and it’s not on the side of protesters blocking legal

I’ll agree with you that many Hawaiians consider Mauna Kea to be a very (perhaps even the most) sacred sight. It’s my understanding the the Hawaiian creation myth centers around various deities that inhabit the mountain. I’ve got to wonder though, how many Hawaiians that feel so fervently that the TMT shouldn’t be

I don’t claim to be an expert. My two trips to the top did make it very clear that aboriginal Hawaiians never went to the top. I’ve challenged someone else that refutes my claim to hike from the visitor center on Mauna Kea in the clothing available to the aboriginal Hawaiians and document it on video. I’d suggest you

As I’m not a moron, I can deduce from the conditions at the top of Mauna Kea that no aboriginal Hawaiian ever made it to the top to pray or do anything else.

Any person can determine for themselves what is sacred or not. Just because a person says that something is sacred to them doesn’t make it so for everyone. If I

That’s unsurprising. Instead of refuting me with facts you offer up a vague threat of violence. I’ll be waiting for that video of you hiking from the visitor center on Mauna Kea to the summit in traditional aboriginal Hawaiian garb. I’m sure it’ll be a hoot.

Wow, you really like to blather on. Am I “this person that is racist towards Hawaiians” that you mentioned? Where the hell would you get that idea? Because I recounted how I was nearly run off the road by a local Hawaiian? Yeah, that doesn’t make me racist towards Hawaiians. The asshole that tried to run me off the

Please show me any proof whatsoever that they worshipped at or near the summit of Mauna Kea. I’ve been to the summit of Mauna Kea twice and I can tell you that without a doubt no aboriginal ancient Hawaiian ever set foot up there. I’m looking forward to you proving me wrong, as you clearly don’t know what you claim

I’ve lived on the Big Island for a couple of years and visited the islands about eight times over the years. I’ve been to the top of Mauna Kea twice. 

Pre-colonial Native Hawaiians never lived up there nor did they ever worship up there.