D. Skye

That’s a really good question. My guess is boredom and/or wanting to stick it “the man”. There are some local Hawaiians that are very very protective of what they consider “their land”, even to the point of violently acting out against “haoles”. I was nearly run off the road in Maui by a local guy flying the “Hawaiian

No one is restricted from going up there to pray or otherwise. If a modern day Hawaiian wants to pray up there no one will stop them. The ancient Hawaiians never went to the top of the mountain. It’s crazy cold and windy, not to mention that the air is also super thin from the altitude. This entire protest is

The sight in question zero cultural significance to Hawaiian history. That mountain was never used by the natives. I’ve been up there twice and was freezing within about ten minutes even wearing a heavy parka and jeans. It’s just a mountain that happens to be on an island that polynesians settled a couple thousand

Got it, you don’t have an answer and choose to attack my ability to understand instead. As I stated, the mountain in question was never ever used by ancient Hawaiians. Why should a few angry protesters be allowed to stop the building of a valuable (to all of humanity) telescope in a location that causes no negative

I’d really love to know how building a state of the art telescope atop a mountain that was never used by ancient Hawaiians is erasing or forbidding anything. In what way or ways are people of native Hawaiian ancestry underprivileged?

The whole planet is sacred to someone born on it. That summit wasn’t used by anyone in ancient Hawaii. 

Considering that no one lives up there, I don’t think NIMBY applies. I think it’s more a matter of bored locals looking to pick a fight with some white folks.

I’ve been to the top twice and it’s not anyplace that a native Hawaiian would have gone. It’s so incredibly cold and the air is so thin and oxygen poor. I really doubt that the ancient Hawaiians had the clothing technology to tolerate the conditions up there. I was miserable in a heavy parka and jeans after just 10 or

I’ve been to the top twice and it’s not anyplace that a native Hawaiian would have gone. It’s so incredibly cold and the air is so thin and oxygen poor. I really doubt that the ancient Hawaiians had the clothing technology to tolerate the conditions up there. I was miserable in a heavy parka and jeans after just 10 or

The land up there is good for virtually nothing but astronomy and sightseeing. I’ve been up there twice and it is beyond fucking cold. You can’t live up there. The ancient Hawaiians found some very dense (relative to most in Hawaii) lava up there that made better cutting tools. The protesters have no legitimate claim

That means your only real choice when it comes to configuring the ZenBook S13 is figuring out if you want 8GB of RAM for $1,400, or 16GB of RAM for an extra Benjamin.

This is so fucking stupid. Vaping is clearly less harmful than smoking, yet they’re banning vape sales because they aren’t totally sure of the science at this point. The science says that smoking kills a shit ton of people every year, but they’ll allow cigarette sales to go on unabated. Smells like big tobacco got

I’m glad your wife was able to find a diet that helped her. I started a keto diet about two months ago, mostly out of curiosity after one of my kids tried it. I’d gained about twenty pounds over the past nearly decade, which I’ve lost now, so the keto diet definitely worked for me to lose weight.

One thing I didn’t

I suppose that’s true, but cars here on the coast (which is part of Oregon) do indeed rust pretty badly, as does pretty much any untreated steel item. A blanket statement that “cars don’t rust in Oregon” is just not true. I suppose that undercarriage rust will be much less here than where roads are salted though. 

Maybe not like in the rust belt, but here in Oregon we have the Pacific ocean along the entire west side of the state and I assure you cars rust here. 

Well that’s a shitty way to go.

Go fuck yourself with a running chainsaw.

It looks like something an 18 year old that won the lottery had “customized” to make it even “cooler”. God, all of the “enhanced” styling additions make it look cheap and kill what was in my opinion one of the prettiest and purest Ferrari designs ever. Crack pipe.

If I were a Christian this ad would be pretty offensive. A business claiming to have direct access to god would offend any Christian that was even remotely serious in their beliefs. GFY Genesys, I’m not Christian and I’m still offended by your stupid ad campaign.