D. Skye

Welcome to the club. Not sure how to get out of the greys. I’ve had two articles written about me here, but I’m still in the greys. Go figure. 

That manages to be even uglier than the Aztek.

Haha! If I’m butthurt then you must be buttdevastated. Carry on with your weak logic little fella. 

Are you really that thick headed? You are the one comparing a device that replaces a person, with things that are used by people.

No, I’ve recently moved here from a galaxy far far away, what is this “fire truck” you speak of?

A fire truck isn’t the same as this remote control firefighter. To compare them is disingenuous. I’m sure you’d think this device is but a wee thing if it was rolling over your body. “This puny thing is only half the

It is a colossus compared to the relatively tiny humans it’s directly replacing. Yeah it’s relatively small vs. other giant things, but it’s not replacing any of those other larger things. 

This thing weighs more than six average people. If YOU weigh more than six average people, I might call you a “colossus”.

Give him time, his little brain and fingers can only manage so much.

Try to imagine yourself sucking Trump’s dick less often. You’ll be a better person. 

Thank god it’s got electromagnetic brakes! Everyone that’s anyone knows how important they are when screaming along at 2.2 MPH!

Seriously though, this thing is pretty fucking cool. 

Yes, Lexus finally did it. They’ve reached maximum ugly. 

Does “tripod” no longer mean three legged stand? I know that this comment is tangential to the topic at hand, but do words and their meanings not matter any more?

By your logic we humans are monkeys. Right. And I’m the idiot.

Right, so by your own admission, these animals aren’t whales.

Whales” aren’t the same as their ancestors that preceded them. The animal in question, while an ancestor of “whales” is not itself a “whale”.

You are clearly the one not using logic or reason. You are however, very clearly a shitstain troll. Please go fuck

Again, you attack my statement while offering nothing but “nuh uh”. Fuck you.

So you’re telling me that “whale” is the scientific term paleontologists use to describe these ancient whale progenitors and not “cetaceans”? You’re clearly an asshole troll.

Do us a favor will you? Let us know your scholastic credentials so we can know you aren’t just talking out of your baboon ass. 

Jesus effing christ, aren’t you a sanctimonious fuckface. 

My only issue with this article is calling the animal a whale. We have a clearly defined definition of what a whale is and this animal in no way fits that definition. I have no problem believing that this animal is a distant relative to whales, but that doesn’t make it a whale. As I posted earlier, calling this animal

Yeah, no website ever in the history of the internet ran a misleading or factually inaccurate headline to get clicks...Do yourself a favor and look up what a whale really is. You tell me if an animal that walked on land could accurately be called a whale. Hint: it can’t. I don’t need to be a paleontologist to use

Maybe in the sense that the State of California has deemed that to be true, but I’ll need a scientifically verified source to believe that.