D. Skye

I’d argue that whales exist in a state of dieing on land, not living. 

A proto-whale isn’t a whale though. Whales are purely aquatic animals by definition. This animal was amphibious. It would be correct to call it a whale ancestor but it can’t possible be a whale if it lives on land for any amount of time.

The reporting I’ve read on this elsewhere pointed out that many of these seizure events were caused by ingestion of the e-liquid in undiluted form. That seems like a pretty big omission from this story. Vaping and drinking e-liquid aren’t the same. One can reasonably expect to at the very least experience seizures

Yes, whales ancestors were indeed land animals. That’s an indisputable fact. Calling this whale ancestor a whale is simply wrong. Whales by definition are solely aquatic, which this whale ancestor cleary wasn’t.

It would be like calling homo-erectus human. Nope. It was an ancestor of humans, but to call it human would

Yeah, I don’t think they qualify as whales. Whales are fully aquatic, this animal was clearly not fully aquatic. It’s like calling a sea lion or seal a whale.

I’m not a paleontologist, but I can tell that thing wasn’t a whale by the standards we classify whales.

Nicotine isn’t a carcinogen. 

I’m baffled and a US citizen. How a serial lying, racist, misogynistic fucking moron got elected here boggles my mind. It is truly worrisome that so many people here are okay with him. Butteremails!!! Jesus it’s bleak. 

Why are you?

There’s a big difference between vaccines which have been tested exhaustively to determine to a fine degree what risk they pose (just an fyi, vaccines aren’t risk free) and 5G, which is going to blanket our living spaces with radio energy at frequencies and levels previously untested on the human populace. Millimeter

Many years ago I took a fairly large dose of magic mushrooms. At one point I realized I could completely feel the earth’s magnetic field. I felt like an invisible plane passing through my head that was stationary and I could tell exactly the vector of earth’s magnetic field as I rotated my head. I only lasted a few

I never argued that 5G is harmful. So keep on misunderstanding...

Pop quiz, what’s the difference between inference and whataboutism? Don’t know? Then shut the fuck up...you moron. 

Oregon is a State that has a long history of passing laws initiated by its citizens (referendums). I have no idea where the law that allows non-medical vaccinations originated, whether it was by referendum or otherwise. I can assure you that the problem with unvaccinated kids here isn’t a top down problem. It’s a

Vancouver is as you said, across a river and in another State. It’s not simply a suburb of Portland. It’s subject to the laws of Washington State. So yes, technically and actually and factually Vancouver is not in Oregon. The people that live there aren’t Oregonians. Stop conflating Vancouver with Portland. They are

Counterpoint: that thing is a hot mess. Blech. What a mishmash of angles. No wonder it never made it to production. Volkswagen would have gone bankrupt for having to supply everyone eye bleach. 

No, you’re thinking of nearby Washington State. 

Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine. 

It is as far as I know untested for long term health effects. Or perhaps you’ll prove me wrong by providing a link to a study showing the particular wavelengths and power levels used in 5G have been tested for human health effects? I know of no statistic that shows that people in Portland are more likely to be

I have no idea how you can conflate uncertainty over the health effects of untested radio waves to being anti-vaccine. I assure you that health authorities in Oregon are most definitely pro-vaccine, as are all major elected public officials. 

I live in Oregon where self serve gas is illegal for the most part. The type of people that work at the gas stations here are definitely sketchy(generally) and I’d be not at all surprised if they skimmed customers cards. They are almost certainly getting paid minimum wage and have to work out in the rain a lot.