
When was the Supra ever an "affordable" sports car? It was a $50k car in the mid 90's. In today's money, that's approaching $80k.

I’d love to focus-group the 10 people that starred this comment. Just to analyze their minds.

Then you are dumb as fuck. Thanks for commenting.

Car prices and repair costs are what they are. Nobody is “raping” anybody, and they aren’t “overpriced." If you think it’s easy to make a fortune selling or repairing cars, I suggest you go into those lines of work.

Do you always talk out of your ass? or just sometimes? Keepers have 700 milliseconds to react to a 70 mph soccerball stopping the free kick 80% of the time. Hitters have 420 milliseconds to react to a 90 mph fastball and reach base on average of between .260 and .275 of the time.

It’s going to be fun this season, watching him pop open off a screen, just in time for a perfect look......

Summer league is generally a lot more interesting than spring training games, I’ll give the NBA that.

Heh, he said “Hyundai” and “performance”

In the past Porsche tried to separate themselves as much as possible from VAG and try to operate independently as possible. And thus the reason there is very little platform sharing aside from the SUVs and the motors that go in them.

Im from the old school mentality. If you cant pay cash, you cant afford it.

What percentage of a 20 something persons income would you think is appropriate for transportation?

Baby Boomers: Millenials are just terrible.

Pontiac is dead though...

You are incorrect in your assessment of this car.

What the Fuck is an “hoser”? I’m a little older and not clued in on the popular language of young asshole’s, such as yourself. PLEASE enlighten me with one of your original, and witty quips so I may impress you the next time I post something.

You’re so “not envious” that you took the time out of your day to tell me so, and to wish me good luck. How kind. Altruism never fails to impress me with its coat of many colors.

One billion miles!

I have never had a credit card and have never had a landlord ask me for multiple months up front. Usually if you put down a third of the purchasing price on a house/car, the lender will give you a good interest rate. If they won’t, go to another lender that’s not trying to rip you off.

As someone who used to have one, my best advice for getting a credit card is: never get one. Borrower is slave to the lender.

fuck California. seriously. I left for a reason. I am so damn tired of hearing how great it is and what a liberal utopia it is when a shitty little crap box is 2 grand and more. I’ll take my boring midwestern city and my 700 dollar two bedroom, thanks.