
sweet meme are you 18?

Why do you keep coughing? Do you need a hot tea?

OH MY GOD. some one on Jalop refered to a VW as reliable. The world is over?????

How about the 4 looks hideous?

HAHAHA wow, douche fucking bag comment..... Im speaking from personal preference. I know plenty of people who just find a four door hatch unappealing. Myself included. I think the new NA R’s are hideous with 4 doors. I prefer the 2 door EU option. A four door performance car? GTFO

Im with you shagging. This is a stupid idea. taking away the option of a 2 door GTI is suicide. I would never drive a 4 door GTI. I have an 04 R.

yea he did. It was definitely a pitchers duel after the brewers put one up in the first inning. It was my first time at Busch. Impressive stadium. We had awesome views from the 200 level.

I was at this game. Boring as all hell.


"Testler"(best while said in hick accent) instead of Tesla. :)

There will still be congestion and traffic, I don’t care what anyone says. Just too many people. The rich will have their own autonomous lane and the rest will sit in autonomous traffic. - My prediction.

Financial advisor weighing in. Disappointed you didn’t touch on what makes up a FICO score.. There are 5 components shown below. FICO is how you interact with debt. The best way to interact with debt is not to have any debt at all. So then how do you get a house you may ask? There are several lending practices that

hahaha your just wasting your time now, but let me take you back to school. The noun "tenure" simply refers to "the holding of an office." So I am completely correct in using the phrase, "1 year tenured teacher." Try harder next time. While I agree teachers unions have their place, I do not support the requirement of

When the only other option is Qudoba, Id let them get away with murder.

Probably worth mentioning I live in IL

lowered vw mkiv r32.

Yes please tell me I have a superficial understanding when you don’t know my background. My mother has been a teacher for 38 years and is set to retire at the end of the 2017 school year. I personally know 5 teachers and my fiancé is a teacher. But tell me I have superficial knowledge. Thanks bud.

Unions are part of the problem. Please tell me why a 1 year tenured teacher has to contribute $50 PER MONTH out of an already dismal paycheck to a union that hasn’t done a thing except collect. O wait lets reach out to the local union "representative" who knows nothing.

MJ didn’t donate to BLM. check your facts because you just discredited yourself. SMH.

My car obsession is 2004 Vw R32s.