It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.
It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.
Unpopular Opinion below!
You know you don’t have to use the 6th gear a lot of the time, right? It’s not a requirement. It’s just for better MPG on the freeway.
What’s wrong with a manual on a highway? You row through the gears until you reach cruising speed, then you leave it right there for hours in 6th gear (or 5th, or 4th, whatever the case may be). How hard is that?
Counterpoint: Even with traffic, commuting is way more fun when you’ve got something to do. Rev-matching is fun.
Counter-counterpoint: People who spend 99% of their time in traffic or on a highway are dumb. There are so many good driving roads out there, and they are even better with a manual.
Ugh. I hate to see this. Could never wish ill against Joakim, and sort of hoping he would have a bounceback year.
Oh who the fuck cares. They are mostly doing this shit to cars no one cares about like civics and escorts. It’s not for you. Fine. It’s not for me either. But if they enjoy it, lighten the fuck up. This country would be a lot better if people stopped caring so fucking much what other people are doing when it doesn’t…
Now this is two separate posts about the show that has NOTHING to do with the VW/Audi show that actually occurs there. Jalopnik, did you even go to the real show, or did you just send reporters to watch all the tagalongs fuck up Ocean City? There are always insane builds at the real show that deserve media coverage,…
Was at Game 2, 5 rows behind where Konerko’s grand slam landed. The fireworks were going off right behind us, yet you couldn’t hear a thing. People tend to forget how absolutely dominant the White Sox pitching staff was in the playoffs that year, probably because no one watched it.
Hot take time: The White Sox are the true team that embodies Chicago. The Cubs are the team that embodies 20-something transplants who graduated for Big Ten schools.
Getting stabbed in the knee with a screwdriver for accidentally cancelling the DVR recording of syndicated Days of Our Lives episodes was anything but fun.
I grew up two blocks from old Comiskey. Fuck Wrigley. Fuck the Cubs. Let it be another 100 years before they see a title.
Nah, Cubs fans existed 8 years ago.
4 cylinders, 3 exhaust openings, you can’t explain that.
As someone who likes the Cubs, I concur, it will be a shitstorm. My mother started watching the Cubs in the playoffs last year and this year has suddenly been a “huge fan all her life” and has been posting sob stories about how long her family has waited for it.
As a fan of that other Chicago team, I can not support any of this. This team deserves to win and they probably have the best chance to, but you can not give these fans something to brag about. It can not happen. You think Cardinal fans are bad? Wait until Cubs fans finally taste success, it will consume us all,…
You are high. Do you remember when the MKIV Jetta came out? It was the car, along with the New Beetle, that saved VW in the US. The design was fresh, simple, clean and modern. The interior design and materials set a new bar for a small car. Many competitors tried to copy, and frankly I miss the days when car…
CP just because the seller is one of those douche bags that puts $1 in the title to get more search hits. The slush-box tranny just reinforces the CP’yness.