
Don’t think there was a huge market for Rose, he only has one year left on his deal, also THE KNEES.

#1 is true. Ask any Bugatti ...I mean Lambo owner.

By not supporting it.... A hard concept not quite understood by the people of this country where we support the most vial and corrupt blood sucking companies and conglomerate, tax evading corporations putting a bigger burden on the middle class.

Corporations are people, so how do we punch this one in the face?

I was fortunate enough to be there for this. What a weekend. What sounds. Incidentally, the Indy Cars were not even close to the loudest or best-sounding cars there. My favorite was this very Audi.

Also, VWCourtSettlement.com promises to have all of these calculations automated by July, so if you wait a month, all you’ll need to do is enter your VIN.

Ita a Jedi mind trick.

Im 26 bro. relax with the baby boomer shit.

You spelled “efficient” wrong.

Inefficient baby boomer.

math is not work.

Saw the car be delivered to the mountain and prepped. They had the entire undercarriage stuffed with bags of ice the entire morning. The had probably a pallet’s worth of ice.

It’s kinda the Flat brim wearing Bro of the performance tire world....I used to have them NT05DRs on my mustang.

In your opinion, someone fires a gun into a crowd and just happens to miss. How should that be handled?


Preach, brotha!

The only “banging” that’s going to be happening in a car that’s shared with your friends is in the back seat while they’re hogging the car from everyone else on the lease.

Exactly why autonomous car sharing is just a pipe dream. You think I want to coordinate my comings and goings with 5 other people? Hell no, I want to bang gears down a mostly empty freeway with the wind in my face whenever I please.

Going in on a car together is a good way to ruin friendships.

HAHA fair enough! 1,000 interweb points for you, sir!