Damn...too soon
Damn...too soon
If you don’t like his tone, then why don’t you make like Stuart Scott's eye and look elsewhere....
Lost it at Big 3.
The same taxpayers voting for Hillary to keep corporate taxation status quo? The same taxpayers voting for Hillary who will allow corporations to keep their tax haven accounts overseas giving the middle class a bigger burden to bare? Oh, ok. got it. Seems legit to flame the sole candidate who finally wanted a…
Burrito Bowls aren’t better. Everyone knows that, unless you are a woman.
Oh give me a fucking break! How much coin did Hillary’s support for the Iraq War and regime change in Libya and Syria cost the taxpayers? Enough of the sour fucking grapes from the media. 38k is a haircut for Hillary and weave for the Donald. How much taxpayer money went to funding primary elections for the private…
Accurate: Then they put an exhaust on their F430 and cruise slowly by restaurants with outdoor patios.
Every time I second guess the Friday Doug article it comes in all of its glory!! ok guys off to read it now :)
Blah blah stats.... I stated one comment up that there is too much talent on the Cavs for Thompson to become fully relevant. His floor movement and length are similar to that of Giannis and Whiteside. If traded, or given the chance I think he is capable of putting up good numbers on the defensive end. Offensively,…
Giannis was running the point and averaging 7 assists a game for the last 2 months of the season. The comparisons between the two begin and end at athletic versatile defenders.
too much talent around Thompson to be relevant but put him on the Bucks and you have a Mini-Greek Freak.
Great player. Lebitch was smart to bump him ahead of shitty Love. Hes up there with Hassan Whiteside and Giannis.
In related news, Spencer Dinwiddie is going to the Bulls.
Its not that I want to shit on drifting events for no discernible reason, but its more the attendance demographic that I cant stand. Example “Gridlife” in MI last weekend. Its more of a reason to vape and rev your overly cambered, purple Miata in front of other douchenozzles then watch the actual event.
INB4 people shit on drifting for no discernible reason.
Ford Mustang: The Florida of cars.
Try and find a brown Ford Probe. The "number 2" holy grail of cars.