
car applies. Ive owned all of my cars starting with a used $5K VW I saved for. Now I own my dream car. My ideology with houses is to put 20% down on a 15 year fixed mortgage. College is obviously fine if the loans do not accrue interest during your school tenure and you pay it off as soon as possible.

Whos talking about across the board?? you took my general statement and made douchey assumptions.

100% Vag would never know unless Porsche brought it up. & yes I have a Porsche SUV motor in my VW :) u are very knowledgeable.

Im from the old school mentality. If you cant pay cash, you cant afford it.

Porsche? You mean VAG group? all recalls must be rang up the ladder. If you respect Porsche you respect VW, the same people who scammed diesel owners.

Yes new cars are relatively cheap but most peoples income is stagnant. If you have seen the recent Corvette article on this site comparing cost through the years that is a pretty good indication.

Save and purchase a good used car for 3-5K. That’s what I did on a servers income in college. Now I OWN my dream car at 27 because I saved and invested my money instead of blowing it on a stupid $500 car payment. So someone who was 20 that financed their car for seven years is in a completely different place then me

again, missing my point entirely. You said a 20 something with a decent paying job making 3K per month. You would go ahead and tell that person to put 1/6 of their take home pay into a “depreciating asset.” stupidity. & the reason why most Americans are drowning in debt.

Having a $500 a month car payment is a stupid mistake. But we are teaching young people to do that rather then invest or save.

Yea, with a 7 year loan and 300+ month payment. Worst financial decision you can make as a young man or woman on your own.

You really made an abortion joke? Why am I surprised. So far your insults have consisted of me taking Xanax and an abortion joke.. Im embarrassed for you. Did your ability to think of new insults stop after high school?

Oh yea you are right. I meant to say its the poor persons Audi.

Back in the day before the Zamboni, (your time) the loosing hockey team would have to hose down the ice after a game. It means you are a loser, hoser. Surprised you didn’t know that one ha!

Nice, original response hoser.

How many times did you edit that? wow

Only mad you cant figure out how to post on this site and sent it twice like a noob.

Sweet response probably knowing you misinterpreted my points and are making a last ditch effort to save any superiority you can muster.

I didn’t say I was envious, you did... No f-ing shit you aren’t a millennial. That’s apparent from your bullshit rhetoric. My point was that unknowing people think its a special car when it isn’t. Mostly dumb millenials.


Daym, Princess gained some weight guuurl.