
Not envious of your Ferrari parts bin special. I know these cars are shit and are only thought to be special by unknowing millenials because of rap lyrics. Glad u like it though. That’s all that counts in the end.

I bet you are the douche that launches these in shopping mall lots where nearby people are eating at outdoor restaurants.

Stopping by to say I had the pleasure of seing one of these horrific vehicles yesterday afternoon. I was enjoying an outdoor lunch and one of these came by doing about a 0-40 acceleration in a shopping center parking lot. Everyone eating turned around and shook their heads at the douche bro.

And we have water in the Midwest because of the great lakes ;)

True. someone has taken Financial Peace. Good for you.

lmao false information is false. We can never change as a society with people like you spewing your bs everywhere.


hm. Will people get more pissed about this or more pissed about the stanced Rari? *popcorn

Get off social media Musk. Do what you set out to do.

STFU. Some of us care douche.

lmfao watch Chicago go after Wade now. Goons running the show. idiots.

Cant wait for my future car “mirror cameras” to break. The tech has to stop somewhere, more tech isn’t always better. Plus no more of this :(

You are still missing my point that we could have shopped a better option then Lopez & Calderon.... Not making a point we had to get rid of one, that was obvious.

Those knees had the best FG% post all star break in 2015/16. Our front office is contradicting itself too hard right now. Saying we need to get younger and faster. Then bring in Rondo and Denzel V. both of which have their own knee issues. Ill keep Rose or at least get a top 25 player for him. You aren’t telling me a

wana know how I don’t you don’t smoke lol? "weed smokers" lmao....

que the complaining engineers....

Because everyone is cheating. Vw just gets the most press because they have the most haters. Im VW for life you haters are pathetic.

No one is trying to improve it, hater. Its a show car. Show cars aren’t driven for pleasure. They are built to be trailered from show to show. Do I agree with it? NO. Do I understand it? yes. Bags don’t ruin the vehicle dynamics. Slamming it to an un useable static height does. Learn the difference.

Are you talking about the tire stretch? If so idk and its stupid

I don’t think anyone would disagree with you. This is clearly a show and I don’t agree using the the term “vehicle dynamics” on a car with bags you can raise and lower to get in and out of the show lol.