I was pretty disappointed to hear that about The Phantom Pain. Still haven’t played it yet, but that’s just because I’ve been clearing the old games out of my backlog in the meantime (currently playing Peace Walker).
I was pretty disappointed to hear that about The Phantom Pain. Still haven’t played it yet, but that’s just because I’ve been clearing the old games out of my backlog in the meantime (currently playing Peace Walker).
Woah. This is kinda bananas. Personally Namor is one of my fave MCU characters, I’m a bit dumbstruck.
Kept us waiting, huh.
SMT Nocturne is the bomb, nice pick. My other personal fave is Dragon Quest VIII, but soon I’ll be playing that on my 3DS. Whatta time to be alive ^_^
Ditto, RG is the reason I keep my PS2 plugged in.
Dang it! Where mah PC sales on MGSV??? Cheapest I’ve seen is $40.... C’mon Master Race, DO IT FOR BUBBA.
Dang it! Where mah PC sales on MGSV??? Cheapest I’ve seen is $40.... C’mon Master Race, DO IT FOR BUBBA.
For a while I fell into the “NEVER GOT NUTHIN FRUM NOBODY” trap, and like a lot of adolescent bullshit I grew out of it. Yes I was only able to go to college on financial aid and yes I worked the whole time in order to afford rent/books/food. But I also drove a sensible sedan that my mother co-signed the lease on. She…
I dunno man, I mean diff’rent strokes diff’rent folks and all that but my brain completely rejected JC2 about 2 hours in because seriously fuck that story. It was godawful. Even compared to other video game stories it was just epically bad. I love splosions and open-world stuff as much as the next guy but JC2 did…
Yep, I think if anyone besides Derek and Hansel make a big deal about All’s genitals then we could easily be in problematic territory, but as-is they are some of the stupidest characters ever written. Of course they would ask the stupidest question.
I agree with you riiiiiight up until “the larger issue.” I think the larger issue is violence and discrimination against trans people. Boycotting a movie is a blip on the pop culture radar.
At least this is getting some attention to the point where they can hopefully do something about it. My PC copy of MKX has been completely unable to launch for months and WB hasn’t done squat to fix it.
It’s a weird time to be a hip hop fan.... Drake is a competent pop artist and a shit rapper. Kanye’s a reality tv star with all the authenticity that entails. Missy dropped the jam of the year, but also gave up the one guest verse to fucking PHARRELL, possibly the worst thing to happen to rap lyrics since Iggy Azalea…
I’d... definitely wear this? I mean not to work, but like... to a bar. Hell yeah. #420blazeitXmas braaahhhh
Yeah, maybe it’s because I too used to work in the service industry, but I seriously can’t imagine how delusional you have to be to think that is just one of those rules that applies to other people. “You can’t buy food from a closed restaurant” seems like common fucking sense.
Okay one time a guy did this, she said “sorry we are closed,” and he replied, “yeah I know.” YEAH I KNOW!!!! What the hell, people.
Re: Jasmine, my girlfriend works at a restaurant that serves breakfast/lunch and then closes between 3-5 to prep for dinner service, and I had NO IDEA how often crap like this happened. I swear I hear about it like, daily.