
Stick to reporting on cars. You are destroying Jalopnik by making it a political “we hate Musk” dumping ground. Your politically slanted articles reveal how unsophisticated you all are. These articles are written like whiny 7th graders. Is it the comments from your pathetic liberal fanboys that makes you somehow

I have an Rivian R1S and a Tesla Y, and the Tesla is about 10x better to drive. I sometimes use my Rivian if I have to treansport more things, which is okay, but I much rather drive my Tesla. We even take the Tesla Y on family weekend trips with wife and 2 kids instead of the Rivian since it drives better. Am keeping

I tell everyone that Jalopnik’s first priority these days is bashing Elon because Jalopnik is full of unsophisticated liberal babies, and the mission of intolerant liberals is to destroy those who don’t agree with them. They usually first tell me I am wrong, until I get text messages a few days later from them saying

I tell everyone that Jalopnik’s first priority these days is bashing Elon because Jalopnik is full of unsophisticated liberal babies, and the mission of intolerant liberals is to destroy those who don’t agree with them. They usually first tell me I am wrong, until I get text messages a few days later from them saying

This used to be a great website. Now there is only trash like this being published. Why don’t you just rename Jalopnik to “We Hate Elon Musk”? You are a bunch of unsophisticated liberals who write like 8th graders. 

All electric Mercedes Benz. Ugly as sin. Let them be stylish even if they are less efficient. 

That can’t be true for moron liberal editors of Jalopnik. 

You are liberal and hate Elon, but you are intelligent enough to not take people for a fool. Some liberals like Jalopnik editors stoop so low that they have to try to destroy Tesla simply because Elon runs it. That’s how many liberals work. Unethical people.

Sounds like a whiny liberal here. 

Of course it is another Jalopnik hit piece. This website is as anti-Tesla as any website can be. If you just read the title you might assume this is worse than it actually is… which is Jalopnik’s intention. It isn’t even a recall. It is an over the air update of virtually no significance. Jalopnik is not a car

Jalopnik is as anti-Tesla as any website can be. If you just read the title you might assume this is worse than it actually is… which is Jalopnik’s intention. It isn’t even a recall. It is an over the air update of virtually no significance. Jalopnik is not a car website, it is a pathetic liberal propaganda machine (th

As a physician with extensive experience with genetics and embryology myself, it’s sad to see the circular reasoning presented in your links on “advanced biology”. You and your short-sighted liberal readers are completely missing the point on this issue. Maybe you should stick to writing about cars since this is

Short-sighted socialists who have no clue how business or the world works think they can work for a car blog and write these bogus stories about nothing to do with cars. The sole purpose of Jalopnik is to act as another sprocket in the wheel of their liberal propaganda machine where their sole purpose is to brainwash

If you thought this website exists to produce content about cars, you are mistaken. These dimwits are more passionate about politics than cars. Jalopnik is just another avenue used to push crazy liberal content to unsophisticated readers. This article is pathetic.

The purpose of all these articles about Tesla is to diminish the brand and bash Elon Musk because everyone at Jalopnik is insanely liberal and short-sighted, therefore they hate him. 

Any car with a bumper sticker has an unsophisticated owner. However, a Prius or Subaru with Biden stickers is just as repulsive for people not like you.

Another article driven by the collective far-left mission at Jalopnik to tarnish the reputation of Elon Musk. You are all terrified that he is dismantling the liberal propaganda machine. Jalopnik meetings: “Hmm, what other anti-Elon article can we write today?”

The original commenter was just trying to make you look more intelligent by his suggestion. Whether you are right or wrong, the political insults make you look less sophisticated. By definition, many people, right or wrong, do not agree with you, and it should give you pause. There is a reason why intelligent

The primary mission of Jalopnik is not to discuss car related stories, but rather to push extreme liberal views and disparage anyone who doesn’t facilitate that mission, such as Elon Musk, who the editors despise for his blocking their liberal propaganda. It just so happens that they use this platform to push this

You guys are such extreme liberals, it’s both comical and pathetic. As for your comments on Florida, I don’t live there but I hope you liberals don’t go to there and ruin it like you have ruined all the other liberal states.