I bet if they wore dresses and heals this wouldn’t be a conversation! lol
I bet if they wore dresses and heals this wouldn’t be a conversation! lol
This is an extraordinarily stupid statement on multiple levels.
I come here to read stuff about cars. Not politics. There’s a lot of us that are just fed up with ALL American politicians. Can you focus on automotive content?
Agreed. It comes across as shrill and hysteric and there’s just no need for it. Admittedly Musk can be a twat, like when he defamed that cave diver guy* but that wasn’t political, but nor was it car related either.
How about we appreciate the cars for what they are, and leave your personal feelings about others’ political views out of it. So sick of this site’s politics on their sleeves...
I hope there’s criminal charges for not only the people that share the images but those that allowed sharing in the first place.
It won’t reduce the rate of drunk driving, but it’ll definitely increase the revenue generated by drunk driving arrests.
this. It seems all these EV companies were vastly over valued and now everything is coming back to earth. I’ve said it a million times here that I hope Rivian and Lucid survive, but wouldn’t be shocked if they don’t. Making and selling cars is super fucking hard and expensive and there’s a reason only one American…
Considering Rivian was able to manufacture 25k vehicles in their first year is seriously impressive. The product has been getting great reviews, they have that 100k order from Amazon. Seems like the initial stock price was too high - but they seem like they are on the right track as a company (mostly).
Alright, I was on the Tesla bashing train for a good while when this news broke, but now that I watch the video I see less “FSD is to blame!” than hundreds of people being used to following too closely while traveling too fast and being distracted.
Aside from the topic of the article, why isn’t anyone talking about how ugly this vehicle is?What horrendous lines.
If you can park on the street instead of the customer parking, they will have a hard time blocking you in. LOL.
Seconded on #2. “It’s highly possible” is straight up conjecture and not supported by evidence. Show some proof or change the headline.
You nicely sum up my understanding of the disaster and the headline (along with various excerpts you identify) are click-baity. I doubt any of this really surprises you.
Okay so...
In this day and age, frankly I’m amazed people still recognize the oil can symbol and manual shift pattern for what they are.