
This article has nothing to do with EV charging. It written to help fulfill Jalopnik’s primary mission of pushing liberal propaganda by disparaging Elon Musk, who is their biggest threat since he wants to preserve our freedom of speech and limit propaganda.

The liberal political propaganda dominating the articles here makes this website both comical and sad at once.

You are absolutely correct. Jalopnik writers don’t care about journalism or presenting factual information. Since Elon acquired Twitter and is stopping the liberal propaganda machine it was, the extreme liberals at Jalopnik have been pumping out anti-Tesla articles nonstop to try to destroy Elon, who is now one of

Nothing. They are expressing their political anger against Elon because he is stopping far left propaganda and censorship on Twitter. Since Elon did this, “everything Tesla is bad” on this website, and all the wacky liberal readers blow up in the comments section. I love reading Jalopnik now because of how angry the

I am an MD who has devoted my whole career to the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of low back pain, and I work at a well known hospital in the northeast where patients travel from all around the world to see us for spine care. This is all I do. I can easily identify the exact cause of low back pain in well over

Poor parenting!

Just for your info, the NRA puts out 10x more educational classes, courses, texts, videos, and guidance on gun safety and appropriate use of guns than any other organization or government agency. They do not support the moronic behavior of this imbecile in his car. It is a fact that statistically, concealed carry

I hope the liberals WOULD stay out of Florida. This guy is a complete idiot and doesn’t at all represent the tens of millions of law abiding responsible gun owners in the USA. However, even this profound stupidity doesn’t come close to the legendary lunacy of liberal democrats. I wish their hatred for Florida would be

Is this a car enthusiast website or an orthopedic support group website? See a doctor, quit complaining, and keep driving. 

What I am sure prompted this was that some people who were not paying attention purchased cars at a price point that they thought was low enough to qualify for the recent tax credit that was recently set to a cap of $55,000 for some models (now changed), but were mislead by the “potential savings” price and probably

You guys are so anti-Elon Musk it is comical, and a little pathetic. Liberals just cannot help themselves but try to destroy those who don’t share their views. Obviously Tesla is doing amazingly well as a company (just look at their numbers) and their cars are awesome. My only criticism is that they should improve

Correct. This website is not anti-Tesla, it is anti-Elon Musk, because Elon is spoiling the ability for big tech to perpetuate liberal propaganda and silence people who get in the way. Pathetic. 

Fake news. Tesla is doing amazing despite you liberal Elon haters. Publish the productivity numbers of Tesla versus other car companies.

Tesla is doing great. The only thing that is happening is that liberals are trying to cancel Elon Musk because he is spoiling the liberal propaganda machine of big tech. 

Agree 100%

And it’s technology and intelligent CEO. Build quality is fair. 

I know the interesting part of the story is about whether the Tesla was using FSD, but someone should comment on the morons who were following too closely at that speed leading to the pile up, as the video shows well. That is what caused the actual accident. Don’t use FSD on the same road as morons.

I have solar panels that was intentionally designed to produce tons of extra energy, with battery backups, and I really want a big heavy electric vehicle that doesn’t look like a tacky “electric vehicle”. Efficiency doesn’t matter to me as I only travel locally and 100% of the energy I use is from the sun. I know that

Do you think conservatives are racist? I don’t understand your comment. Maybe you should go back and get a history lesson. Don’t be ignorant. 

Putting your feet up against the brushes is low risk. The rubber shoe edge isn’t going to get you caught in the gap of the escalator. So you can safely assume that your practice of touching it with your shoe results in no escalated risk (pun intended), and having them installed is no riskier even when considering the