They still look like crap!
They still look like crap!
Wonderful, but why does Mercedes design cars to look like Oldsmobiles from 20 yrs ago with a feminine ass-dragging rear end? I would never be caught buying such terrible designs, and suddenly everything Mercedes becomes irrelevant. I saw the picture but didn’t even bother reading this article, because who cares when…
There is a lot cool about this except for the ugly lines, which has always been Cadillac’s problem in recent decades. Hire an designer who has a sense of esthetics.
Apparently the city is using the wrong criteria for speed humps. Simple as that.
Smart of them to offer a manual transmission. Let’s hope people choose to buy manuals to keep them alive!
I agree with everything you wrote except what does being “white” have to do with your argument?
1. It is actually less convenient to have an attendant pump gas. I am much faster and it is a waste of time waiting for one to attend, walking back and forth between vehicles. I purposely avoid “full service” gas stations for this reason.
While the interior is nice, the exterior is absolutely awful. Mercedes Benz used to have a distinguished look, that would stand the test of time, bold and beautiful. Now they are increasingly designing their cars to mimic the negative traits of their competitors. Cheesy design lines that are rapidly outdated, goofy sha…
Aside from the topic of the article, why isn’t anyone talking about how ugly this vehicle is?What horrendous lines.
A smaller light is less likely to get smashed than a larger one. Risk reduction. They are therefore only as big as they need to be.
Looks like a Porsche Macan.
Totally agree. You would also think input from focus groups would prevent this!
I only buy new vehicles, and only those with manual transmissions. I feel like I am the only one fighting for it here! I had to work hard to get a job that would allow me to do this! The instant speed from EV is fun but in no way can replace the enjoyment from a manual.
Alcohol wipes are a good way to dry out rubber.
Alcohol wipes are a good way to dry out rubber.
Nice story. But the back looks way too big and goofy this way.
I think the solution, if people want to end dangerous Cannonball runs, is to have the government sponsor a one time run that allows for a record so great that nobody can possibly come close to breaking it without having roads blocked and sponsored by the government, which will never happen again. It takes away the…
Why was that tweet so offensive? Anyone making purchases now will help our economy, which has been so affected by the coronavirus. And the people who can afford that car have the money to spend. Pretty harmless tweet in my opinion. I still enjoy seeing car ads, even while being socially isolated. Maybe I am missing…
What about wrapping the whole exterior of electric vehicles with solar cells? It will charge continuously when while driving.