
He obviously stole that idea from his old teammates. The Panthers secondary has been going for fake pumps and getting toasted on the field all year.

Richie Incognito is still Richie Incognito.

Officials wanted to punish him further but he plead “Sorry guys”, the ultimate Canadian legal defense. After that they were powerless but to return of verdict of “No, no, we’re sorry.”

This is not a debate whether capital punishment is right or wrong, just a suggestion to murder people in other states, but I appreciate a good “We Kill You Back” comment when I come across one

If a Canadian throws a beer at a playoff game and no one can find him, did it make a Soo-ound?

When Beckham hauled in a short out route for four yars, Rhodes hit him on his way out of bounds.

Jimmy Fallon is tricked into eating a poison pill and has a minute to say something not-phony for an antidote pill or die.

No, you’re just summarily parroting some kind of a PC-BS line that you’ve heard. Of course something a person says can be an argument for defense against accusations.


She didn’t need the money. She is fabulously wealthy and has been for a long time. And yes she wasn’t in office. But she was planning to run for President again and she should have known how it looked.

Lochte: More like Latrine America, amirite?

A bronzed god with silver hair issues forth a golden shower.

You know Kinja is broken when the second level comment literally steals the top comment’s joke, makes it worse and gets more stars because of it.

“I didn’t put it in front of winning, but I think we all have things that we have to do. There has to be a line somewhere, and that’s what ended up happening.”

I wouldn’t count out Edgar but my money is on Aldo. Aldo is 29 and was undefeated for like what, a decade? He claims to be super furious about not getting a quick rematch against McGregor and if any of that is true, I expect him to work to make an example of Edgar.

Absolute bullshit. These comments are no place for accurate reporting of any kind.

Those are his Bad News Jeans

I don’t scoff at that concept at all. I applaud it. But if we ban the gun lobby, we need to ban the anti-gun lobby as well.

Wow - really nice way to engage with your readers. What I meant - and clearly I didn't say it correctly so forgive me for not using the exact appropriate words - was that the woman deserves your respect by making the headline clear about the abortion she chose to have - no judgment on my part and I'm deeply saddened

They should just keep posting this over and over. The best tweet ever.