
Which I believe is how they all should be. I just dedicated my time, money and effort to help elect a new Mayor of Chicago who is not entrenched in the bullshit. Do I agree with all of her policies? Of course I don’t, In this day and age it’s nearly impossible to find a politician you agree with 100%. Well, that is

It’s the same reason I never touch my penis before sex. Superstition.

Meanwhile, Lizeth hasn’t been back because the first bottom feeding lawyer that contacted this family told them the settlement will be bigger if they follow the playbook. Glad the kid will have more money but a horrible lesson on teaching kids to be offended.

This happens every day. See Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson or any 50 some twice or thrice divorced actor, musician, producer. I could go on and on but let’s just say anyone with money.

I missed the podcast last week. Did you tell Drew you would come to his memorial/funeral so he can shut up about it already. Thanks

When you have to say your brand is a brand you are doing it wrong.

Chris Cooley is a straight up Liar. Fuck that guy

Correction on the correction - Cubs won game 2

It’s the number 1 reason I almost never tune in. The final straw was “SportsCenter” after MNF which is just an hour of them discussing the game you just watched. No other sports. They went down the wrong path.

Albert can’t help himself. If Brady was a huge HC supporter the tone of this article would be much different.

This meme needs to die harder than Twitter.

“Once, at an Occupy Wall Street assembly, standing six feet beyond the last concentric circle in the parking lot, I lit up a cigarette. In short order, I was asked to leave.”

Logan Square is worse. The hipsters there even look down on Craft Beer. That’s how hip they are.

Owns! Owns!!

So, is Tsonga dead??

We stand up for women; unless we don’t like their husbands. Then we call them cunts. Yaay us!!!!

Holy Fuck! You are a whiny-ass cry baby. Let me ask you this; is there anything he can do that you won’t bash? If not, save the white noise Albert

You know it’s impossible to accurately predict global warming considering the planet has been around for millions of years.

We get it fatty; you don’t like the R’s

Seriously, how many men here wouldn’t punch a guy in the face that laid hands on their wives? Does is take video of a college athlete punching a woman in the face to get us self righteous and indignant? Please