I did read them. How does it feel to be wrong and stupid? I’d guess it’s your normal disposition.
I did read them. How does it feel to be wrong and stupid? I’d guess it’s your normal disposition.
Well it seems he actually has beliefs he sticks to. Some of those beliefs suck and I wouldn’t vote for him, but he’s actually an individual. So cool there’s one only half evil republican with a brain.
Amash is a weird guy. He’s against marriage equality, abortion rights, and other run-o-the-mill positions typical of your run-o-the-mill Freedom Caucus member. He apparently also opposed a three-digit suicide hotline based on... the Constitution?
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
I’m not sure what they do either, but when they do it before me they are trendsetters and when they do it after me they are retro.
Some of last year’s hipsters have moved on to trying to make serious points in the Deadspin comments section.
You won’t believe what hipsters are doing now?
Melo, at least, is playing his cards close to the vest.
“How would the Packers’ offensive line walk up to the stand right now? ”
I used to watch for the late great John Saunders. A sports show is no good without a late great host.
That show died with Dick Schaap, and anybody who tries to argue otherwise is just being contrarian.
Fake news pairs up really well with bad reporting. Like Jezebel had an article last week about how the US spent 54% of its budget on the military. That was blatantly false and apparently had been lifted from a facebook post.
“It was in his gut, and then it was in his pants, and then it was in our bench.”
has now entered the badminton history books.
Probably Fran....maybe Ollie.
“What’s attendance mean?”
Tony Romo broke three ribs hearing about Jordy Nelson breaking two ribs.