
Bartolo Colon is now searching for those delicious meatballs.

The Art of Killing was a very hard movie for me to watch but I was glad for the experience. My uncle was kidnapped by Suharto’s gangsters for being a suspected communist even though my only image of him is in an all white suit, driving a Mercedes Benz and owning a factory. I remember one particular moment when the

I would like to add all of Daniel Genis’s pieces to this list. (I know he's not staff so maybe honorable mention?)

1) “We” is first person plural, not third person plural (= “they”).

This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.

Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?

He was going to pass on this, but he didn’t know how.

I don’t see a problem here.

Will Leitch will be your Jamboroo guest host.

Meanwhile, the quack doctor who spent years trying to discredit and downplay football’s connection to brain trauma is still drawing a paycheck

Also in the running: Ted Danson.

I try to keep it classy, and show up with a nice fat bag of weed.

Fox Sports stands behind show producer Ryan Shaw, as well as supporting their president of programming. They expect to be exonerated and anticipate a...

You should hear the Boston pronunciation.

Come on, we are never sweeping those championships. The closest Philly got was 1980 (1-3).

Maybe you'll get lucky and the wife will go first! ;)

Also fun: seeing the lengths people will go to try to look intelligent when they’re really just missing the point.

CNN’s PR instincts match their journalistic ones: turrible.

Every time I look at someone wearing a Red Sox hat I think ‘man, that’s so 2000s’. The obnoxiousness of fanbases rise and fall. Once they win, the inverse mystique is gone and the people who take on that perverse sense of Stockholm Syndrome as fandom move on to the next bandwagon which, by my calculations, is the

Yeah, because I’m sure whatever fanbase you’re a part of is mild and well-mannered when they’re championship contenders. Get the fuck over yourself. Every fanbase adds fair weather know-nothings and loud mouths when they’re team is preforming, it comes with the teritory.