
Because they don’t serve Old Crow at Dairy Queen, they keep telling you.

Is she ever going to hike him the ball? Wtf is going on.

Should be easy if you are a Millennial, just wait for them to get the bill for the charge to their credit card for your whirlwind European holiday.

God, just imagine how low the cognitive baseline must be for Ben Roethlisberger. I imagine the test involves one of these:

It’s known as “The Vatican Plan.”

That’s ridiculous, but why would you want to go listen to Greg Hardy speak anyway?

Lionel Osbourne, then Rare Endangered Vuvuzela last week, SavetoFavorites yesterday, now Raysism? This is either an elaborate hoax, or a contest, or a turf war over events 3 years in the past. Hope it’s that last one.

I actually really enjoyed the Cardinals’ book. I mean, there’s a lot of senseless violence and it has some questionable things to say about black people, but the prose is spectacular.

Unless he did it The Right Way

Yeah, you often get caught trying to stretch a double into a triple.

So Mahtook was 5 for 5 and Martin was 2 for 3?

Flacco went to school in Delaware. You know who else is from Delaware? Joe Biden. And Joe Biden is definitely not Elite.

Just change it to the Fighting Sue and have your mascot dress up like Johnny Cash. Damn that was easy...


Just like Trump’s ideas on immigration and economic policy, so is his football knowledge trapped in the 1980s.

I was always a big fan of AzureTexan. Wasn’t as flashy as some, but he always packed a lunch and a hardhat and all the things one needs to get work done on a construction site.


I’ve always been an Eddie Murray Sparkles guy.

CPH, Hatey McLife, Gourmet Spud
