Sorry- upon Googling, learned I’m nearly a century too late to have understood thy reference.
Sorry- upon Googling, learned I’m nearly a century too late to have understood thy reference.
Sometimes when you act like an asshole, people treat you like an asshole.
What was the finale of MASH like?
Nope. Bostonians deny the existence of the pats cheating like they deny the existence of the letter R
This is not how I ever wanted to picture the Silver Surfer.
Norrin Radd enjoying some quiet time away from Dawn Greenwood.
Wow. Besides shitting all over the place for the past few years, Timmy has another thing in common with my dog!
Okay, but to be fair, you put “Blasts” right in the headline. Blasts! What do you expect commenters to do with that?
Or a singer for a cool retro 80’s music video
You got all of this wrong. Try again if you like.
SOURCE: Tony LaRussa is driving around St. Louis, texting his family for his own address.
Murray: Let me tell you a story about Cardinals fans that will show exactly what I’m talking about. I’m filming a movie back in the 80’s. Which movie it is isn’t important; I was high as a kite during filming it, that’s all that matters. Anyway, one day we finished shooting for the day, so myself and a cameraman named…
I disagree. The Warrick Dunn argument is a good one. I use it myself all the time defending my decisions to my wife. “Can a married, publicly religeous man still visit strip clubs, do tons of coke, and bang hookers?” Works every time.
“Write on Monday what everyone else will think to write on Friday” -Whitlock
I’d now like to see a series of Coke cans adorned with quotes from famous dictators/war criminals, but written in foreign languages so people think it looks all cool and folksy and don’t realize that their holding a can that reads Triumph of the Will in old Germanic script.
Interesting how ESPN started shitting on FIFA about the time they lost the rights to the World Cup.
NFL teams do hold a gigantic advantage over players when it comes to contracts