
You could make every one run counts as ten and it’s the exact same thing. I like 2 outfielders and you supply your own pitcher but you have to swing or it’s an out.

16 year old wannabe wrappers maybe

Should of stopped with the dick pics


And when you start typing in Emily on Google she is the second thing that auto loads. Mission accomplished!

A similar prank had Davey Martinez shipped out of Chicago in his Ryne. I mean prime.

Lifetime ban?? That’s bullshit. How can we expect him to rehabilitate himself if we eliminate his options?

THIS is the rare time that the system decides to acknowledge the destructive nature of human imprisonment).

Despite being down 3-1, the Sharks are quite confident they can Ketchup.

It just really hurts your vagina that Trump is going to be the next president. Move to Canada

And, unfortunately, it won’t prevent some people from killing others over real or perceived disrespect

I must respectfully disagree. It is no secret your tastes change. When I was younger, the hoppier the better; now I need balance. Doesn’t make me or the OP better or worse.

Conversely, cutting out everything but alcohol actually leads to amazing discoveries. I learned about time travel, met a ton of interesting new people and became quite comfortable with shitting outside!

[Manziel] just wasn’t in the first batch of guys—but he’s definitely on our list.’’

This reminds me of the time that me and Darius James were at a club and some guy named Chris said “nice to see you” to Darius’ girlfriend Kanesha.

Sports Authority Field at Mile High just doesn’t have the same ring as Waxy O’Conners but the charges are the same.

Thank Christ Olbermann is gone. He would have a harder time restraining himself than this guy:

Not as well as you Billy; not as well as you.

This was a brawl like the Anglo_Zanzibar War was a war. Even Worldstar took it down

Dude, the only way to not get stuck in the triangle is to go for the circle.