Hit Bull Win Steak

+ 1 lazy Colorado River

I am truly (get it) amazed at the market for this. Was making your own damn vodka soda a bridge too far? It’s two fucking ingredients!

10/10. Would pet. 

generally anything over 3%

This season is going to be the equivalent of watching your junkie friend finally get clean, and then getting a job at Jordan Belfort’s Wall Street firm

Hey man, if I wanted to talk about something that sucks that’s rife with 90's nostalgia and has chugged along on an unearned reputation for 25 years, I’d go over to/ r/pearljam

wait until you have kids. 

“No playoffs in the EPL, huh? Where do we sign up?”

“Behind every great man in a fight, is his girlfriend squawking like a crow with laryngitis.”

Dewey Beer Co. is a revelation though

After spending a week in Dewey Beach, DE with suspect weather, I’m convinced that Redskins fans make up about 93% of the U.S. sweat pants market. 

I don’t know man, we’re now in the era of all these teams who have always “just kind of been there” winning championships. (Astros, Eagles, Caps, Blues, Raptors, etc.). The Falcons just might be.....oh who the fuck am I kidding?

I’m always wary of global warming and then I remember that it’s likely going to wipe out the barren South Florida hellscape of frightened white people who live in gated communities and drive luxury cars 10 miles a day to eat at chain restaurants and buy Yellowtail chardonnay at Publix, and then I feel somewhat better.

Wally’s mother spoke to KPAX

Kobe Fans Have Beef with Well Done Ranking

the best hitter in the game

Maybe you should go Fast and Furious... to the polls!

“Sorry, that came out weird. What I meant to say was that I’m going to jerk off first and then pop Madden in. Better?”

What a waste of a cool helmet.