Hit Bull Win Steak

Last photo: champagne bath? Or locker room bukkake? You decide.

Christ. First the Eagles, now the Caps. What other long-suffering fanbase is going to win next?

dammit I always forget the first one with the Cavs before Miami

LeBron is a broken man at this point. Staring down a 3-5 record in the NBA Finals in his career due to playing with a bunch of guys off the street for 5 of those years.

“2 girls 1 cup” would like a word with you

If you think people in the national sports media are dumb, they’re fucking Rhodes Scholars compared to the dullards that report on sports from local TV networks/publications.

No one likes me. And I care way too damn much.

Watching the Caps blow a 3-1 lead in the Finals would be some spectacular theater however.

Twice in four months now I’ve found myself passionately rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles. I’m beginning to question a lot of things about myself.

Owen Sharts has an impressive spray chart, isn’t afraid to get his uniform dirty, and rarely just whiffs at the plate.

Irony On The Field

Erik Karlsson: *hastily orders two dozen to fashion into a noose*

NHL 94 actually came out in March 1993. The ‘93 expansion draft where Florida picked him (from Vancouver actually after the Rangers traded him there for Doug Lidster first) wasn’t until late June.

Do you even work for the deep state, bro??!!?!!?

It’s great that most of the morons rushing to “defend” PFT are literally the embodiment of the sports fans he’s fucking lampooning in the first place.

My spring men’s league has a new theme each year for the teams. One year it was all local Philly area beers. Last season, it was defunct NHL teams. It’s a 6 team league so we had Whalers, North Stars, Nordiques, Rockies, Thrashers, and Barons. The Barons team, who had won the league last season and returned like 90%

You’d think he’d have been, I dont know, a little more discreet about it?

You’re going to hear a lot of talk in the coming days that this is an indictment of the NHL. That many GMs are idiots,

To be fair, they did warn Mr. Magee that he wouldn’t like them when they were angry.
