it would, I guess, if the writers were also the ones in charge of procuring advertisers.
it would, I guess, if the writers were also the ones in charge of procuring advertisers.
Dude, Haynesworth isnt even ON the team anymore.
No need for grease this go around. The blood of the innocent should prove to be more of a deterrent.
The GPS aspects for this were always a necessary evil IMO to get some of that date. The ability to broadcast that type of things to others, or to have a provider show it off to the World is what’s a bit more concerning.
I enjoy tracking my runs for time and distance to assess myself, but never understood the need for the social media aspects of apps like these?
He looks like the bastard lovechild of Drew and Gene Wilder.
I gave up on Black Mirror after the Prime Minister of the UK fucked a pig on live television. Way too much like Love Actually for my liking....
Crisco Cops? Really? Was “Grease Police” too obvious here?
Things tend to revert to their natural state, er go I look forward to the coming article about the Viking fan who gets his horned helmet rammed up his ass.
And here I thought Josh Harrison was the only Angry Pirate I’d hear about this week
Drew, surprisingly, writes in silence.
I don’t know about meatloaf, but purchasing an olive loaf should be grounds for extinguishing your entire bloodline.
“Well here I go again on my own......”
I make Thanksgiving to Super Bowl basically my “down time” when I’m not training super hard, not doing any races, and just hitting the work gym when convenient and running, usually at home on the treadmill, if time permits.
It would but the OHL team in London, Ontario owns the Canadian trademark for the name, hence the adjective they tacked on.
Who wants to bet his personal notes said “ F&%# 52??? F-35's???”
Sean Payton has offered unlimited afternoon snack to whoever gives these kids a wet willy.
Ah yes, another minority hockey player with the infamous “off ice issues.”